
I think the main worry with a simple revolver like this would be if moisture got into the powder (possible if temperature changes break the cartridge seal), theres too much ice to work the action at all (obviously not the case here) or if the barrel gets plugged with ice which could cause a squib (bullet gets stuck in

That confession scene was awesome especially the closeup cuts to the screen. Something about shots of screens within screens and the static/scanning always makes a scene that much more ominous. It made me expect a masked figure to come up behind Walt with a knife or something

Was it just me or did Saul with a nosebleed and his hairpiece messed up look just like Hitler?

I think a great ending would be Walt meeting up with Skyler at some restaurant to bring the family back together after all that had happened. He takes a look through the jukebox at the booth, sees Horse with no Name and has to put it on for the nostalgia". He then proceeds to spend a few minutes studying the menu

Yeah, that scene was disturbingly really charming, Ricky Hitler was such a gentleman in that moment (well he's always been that loyal want to do right by the boss type to a sociopathic fault). Like a knight in bloodied battleworn armor

I've deduced from the heavy foreshadowing, Jesse doesn't talk and then goes home. Walt goes to his house, says there's something I've been meaning to do for a long time, then finally picks up Chekhov's bong and takes a massive milky rip. They then begin their new life assisting badger writing TV scripts. As to the

It is the perfect way that he got caught… There are a million little details involved in every act you do and it is impossible to ever judge what outcome could come out of it, and many criminals and conspiracies have been brought down by a tiny stupid loose end because they spent so long worrying about other details

I sure hope that Mr. Hands doesn't show up… That would not be pleasant

I think a whole big part of the awkward greatness of that scene was how he totally misread the situation. He thought he was revealing the meth cooking thing to her and in his mind she was the victim and just flabbergasted by what she heard and he was going to be the helpful brother-in-law protecting her from this

His books were Reaganite intelligence agency fanwank, but I still rememver red Storm Rising as being pretty good, a really intense and not-too-agitproppy story about a US-Soviet shooting war (precipitated by separatists from one of the Soviet islamic republics launching an attack that took out the SU's largest oil

For some reason, the use of "Sister Golden Hair" in "Another Toothpick" really stood out to me… (Spoilers)
A great song for an old timer to drive away to after his last hit, and I think its a great sight gag of this blood covered, wheezing, smoking killer happily humming along then "I just can't make it…" and the

Yeah sometimes it seems like Jackie's actor really pulled off the entitled son of royalty persona really well (like when he was trying to act like he's somebody important enough to arrange a sitdown between Matyush and Chris or whoever about selling out of the Crazy Horse, even though he had no influence and everybody

Maybe if you invested in crack instead you could keep your revenue stream off of the books and then you could get sooooo rich off of those food stamp billions… But that's just smart business sense so maybe it is you who is the moron