
There's a band named Goldfinger as well though (not that it would make much sense in context)

If you think about it, on the 12th day the recipient would actually be getting way more than 12 presents, assuming they aren't also just listing the presents from the day before since they specifically mention being given all the sets of presents on each day. There'd be 78 on that day. 364 presents in total. That does

So I remembered a little exchange between the Governor's new ladyfriend's sister and the army girl in the episode before, when the sister was talking shit on the M4 and said something to the effect of preferring a Smith and Wesson… Then when we got to the part where the little girls got the drop on army girl later on

Right, like the whole time the governor was arguing with Rick and revealing his initial speech to the new group to be bullshit (including that he didn't care if the prison was ruined, the whole damn reason he claimed he wanted to attack them!!!), I was expecting one of the new guys to just frag him… Like does he have

Normal tabasco is pretty bland (better than Frank's though… people like that crap? it tastes like chugging vinegar to me)… Their habanero is pretty great though; it has a nice hint of fruit to it

He's one fat mother…

Have your slave press my suit!

Caught in the wheels of progress… A man choked to death… A woman's purse

I don't really know what to think about Brody now… It seems like instead of getting shot in the gut he got shot in the logic center of his brain, and decided that instead of biding his time and figuring out what his obviously powerful if not quite a benefactor; at least temporary ally had in mind (who was also the one

Well not the WHOLE ending of scarface, but the face-down snorting in a mountain of coke part at least

I nearly lost it during the scene where the CIA hijab lady was berating the bankers about their lying and contributing to terrorism and human suffering and how it was always part of their job…. Without even a hint of irony from either any of the parties or the show's direction that, you know, she was working for the

@Kumagoro:disqus Walt had been in their compound before to discuss the prison hits so he knew the layout of their meeting house. And I mean, he knows the height of the car's trunk and as long as he set the contraption basically horizontal (maybe aiming very slightly upwards) and braced it so there wouldn't be muzzle

Yeah, I mean like every time she went there before she had to ask the waiter for stevia because there was never any at the table (which she sat at every time), and this time, it just so happened that there was 1 packet just waiting for her… Like come on people, really?

Well her phone call was because she knew that Todd and the Aryans were going to kill Walt and she wanted to confirm that it was done… Walt telling her was just so that he could twist the knife (since he found out that his well-founded fears were correct, and she had threatened his family, and also was involved in

The way I see it, there was going to be meth out there anyway, and the fact that it was pure and consistent quality instead of some garbage cooked up and mixed with random shit of varying toxicity actually saved lives. (not that this justifies it… But from a harm reduction viewpoint it wasn't a terrible thing)And

If he did it for himself he would have just taken the money and run and spent his last few months enjoying the world's finest cocaine and hookers IMO. He was a prideful fool who would not have taken a handout from people he truly despised (and considered responsible for his original downfall from brilliant Nobel

Well to be fair most people who come under machine gun fire would assume that there was a person out there holding the machine gun (who would then probably be coming in to finish the job) and not just a motorized rig built out of 2x4s in the trunk of a car parked outside

They sell after-market remote unlock kits at pretty much any auto supply shop (they're like $100 or so)


@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus Actually, lithium is used in the production of meth (while using the anhydrous ammonia method). I'm not sure if I buy it totally since they were using other processes in the end , but it is a commonly used metal in some of the more primitive processes since it's reactive