
I think he brought the stevia packet in himself (or asked for one and like went to the bathroom to make the switch or something) before they arrived. It seemed like every time she was there (including back when she was meeting with Walt) she had to ask the people that worked there for stevia because there was never

What about all the people that Lydia wanted killed any time that there was any risk (and everybody always had to talk her down… for instance how she wanted Skyler dead and was PISSED that Todd basically refused to kill her). I'd say she almost made Walt look like a saint by comparison, with her neurotic, moronic

Well even if he did hire snipers, that would have been the one time in the history of media that a laser on a sniper rifle would have been for a practical purpose (just as a means of intimidation to show that yes, there were people aiming at them) instead of the worst idea ever

That wasn't really complicated to build. He could have just gone to a car supply place and got a remote unlock kit (don't think the Caddy had one to begin with given its age, but who knows) for the receiver, took a few motors and servos and built a simple rig out of 2x4s. If anything, it was about as complicated as a

@avclub-753d0c1b60cc9f7b9717d40dac01a96e:disqus Haha, I'm glad it wasn't just me

I don't usually find myself laughing maniacally at media when all hell breaks loose and a room full of people are gunned down in a matter of seconds (I'm not squeamish and I can appreciate a good fictional bloodbath but I find glee in it a little tacky), but as soon as that trunk popped up and the M60 got to work, I

I guess you could say that in the end, Walt turned into quite a Law Abiding Citizen…

For me it's between that and Apocalypse Now….
"Charlie don't surf!"

I hope that anybody who considers hiring any of this show's lead writers in the future performs a search of their names, sees this merciless stuff, then calls them into the office to laugh at them and let them know they'll never get another job in this town again. Think of it as a public service

and Imagine….

You could replace this song with any other song written before 2000 and I almost guarantee half the top comments are just like that (or "Like if you know this from *Extremely ubiquitous pop culture item*")

I think harassment usually implies that somebody is singled out. Honestly, I don't want to minimize what she experienced but I'm sure that there are plenty of people (women even, who knew that women could take jokes/ be 'trashy' too?) who would find that working environment an absolute hoot to be in. Hell one of her

And in other news,frog sues scorpion for pain and damages from alleged stinging incident

@avclub-dc738ea51736fb32349cba1599aeb1e9:disqus Although to be fair in Walt's last call he said he was in an SUV with 2 other people. So they might have thought he had brought his own muscle

@Lemoncakes:disqus I'm picturing a room full of writers with their ghost dads telling them to add in horribly inane plot points while their internal voiceovers go "Paper can be used as a surface for writing your thoughts" and "Dexter is a show about a serial killer with a twist… the serial killer is the good guy" and

BB Season 5B >BB as a whole (from goofy ineffectual science teacher tries his hand at crime with zany/bloody results to going 'native' with the brutality of international drug trade the whole thing was a great ride) > Sopranos as a whole (Fun, witty/ dark commentary on life mixed with good action but with a few

When you are presented with a grotesque spectacle such as this past season of Dexter, it is good to have some sort of sense of humor about it which is why these reviews are perfect (and entail way more thought, logic, and wit than went into any of these episodes). If you want to see "DEXTER cool he stab bad man! Whoa

He was in the right to stop the fight, but because of the way he called the police Walt is now going to be blamed for 2 major crimes he didn't commit (coming after Skyler with a knife out of the blue as opposed to getting into a knife fight in self defense after being stabbed for trying to explain himself as well as

Well you first tried to whitewash the American imperialist crimes with "they built LIBRARIES!" and "Universal male suffrage!"so I pointed out the other imperialists that did similar things  (but I think his rational individual stepping to bat fits the American mindset better so I focused on it but thanks for trying to

@avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus Again, Jesus, the difference is those people were all successful and their success is why they are considered heroes by some. You are saying basically might makes right and the only hero is one who succeeds in their goals. I am saying that the difference between a hero