
I haven't seen much of the series because the couple of episodes I watched last season didn't set my pants on fire.

I wasn't even close to recovering from Mac's golden shower when they hit me with that follow-up. Just thinking about it now is about to send me into a fit of giggles.

I think Tig suspected something was up when he saw Gemma walking around gingerly last week, and he probably overheard enough of her conversation with Unser this week to put two and two together.

Well shit. I remember reading Jay's "dueling Walters" comment, but I must have somehow missed the first half of his post.

Prison Break could have benefited mightily from a limited run strategy. I stuck with it out of loyalty through the third season, but halfway through season 2, it made me angry to watch it. Based solely on the previews for season 4, it looked like it turned into some Ocean's Eleven/Mission Impossible hybrid. And

I haven't finished reading all the way down the page so I apologize if someone else has already mentioned this. If E2 Walter is running the show for ZFT, wouldn't you imagine that E1 Walter snatching his son has something to do with his motivation?

My Name Is Earl
did a pretty good job of blending the laughs and heart in the first season. They gradually lost their way and never really recaptured that magic.

I had to drag out the OTA antenna. Watched The Office and Community (will definitely be keeping up with this one now) live while recording Fringe and Supernatural. Also picked up Bones and Sunny last night. Afterward, my DVR looked a little like Katy Segal at the beginning of Sons this week.

Good God, Y'all was clearly a reference to
Ellen's cleavage shot near the end. I think I blacked out for a second. Never really noticed her chest (that I recall), and the final battle is all action, action, action, UNEXPECTED AMPLE BOSOM.

Way late to the party, but RE: Angel & Fish Blood
I apologize for joining this discussion a year late, but I just started my trek through the DVD collection (2nd time viewing most episodes), and I hit Go Fish last night.

In addition to showcasing why Katy shouldn't quit her day job, that beginning was also supposed to show us Gemma's intense hatred of religion hasn't always been present. She was part of a children's choir for some church judging by those photos. At some point in life, she had a falling out with her religious

I was really glad Meg didn't stay in that girl's body. She was easy on the eyes, but her voice/delivery really bothered me. Not nearly as bad as Alastair, though.

Excellent! Thanks for covering this.

Did I miss something in the write-up
about this becoming a regular feature? I figured it was just another one-shot like Lazarus Rising.

I remember watching most of the first season and thinking it was a decent enough time-waster. Then, it kicked into high gear and never really downshifted.

If you don't do the non-combat stuff, though, your team is utterly and hopelessly boned. Like the review said, the worker is integral to winning every time. At the least, you have to collect enough resources to upgrade most, if not all, of the classes. They're also capable of boosting defense and getting your main

Way late on the discussion, but Cordelia was always my Buffy/Angel pick. Faith is a close second. RE: Charisma's Playboy shoot—I felt…bad(?) after looking at the pics. Like I was peeping at a cousin or something.

I thought they addressed the double-meaning of the title "Michael & Michael Have Issues" pretty well. Apparently, the show within the show is meant to address certain social issues (like drugs, teen pregnancy, etc.), and the whole package is meant to show not necessarily that these two have issues with each other but

If I recall, he' is/was on Dexter, too.

I think it's a testament to how silly a manGagement ring is that our minds collectively went "That's ridiculous; it's obviously a 'management ring' so we'll skip that G"