
Skipskatte, that was one of my favorites. Love the VD commercials. And I just now realized their initials are VD. Bonus.

Bad Boys - Awesome
Bad Boys II - Awful

"Because, like Ma Bell, I have the ill communication," was your response, right?

Well, not exactly. Anya was pretty much neutered before she hooked up with Xander. Nina still poses a threat.

You've probably already moved on or found the answer elsewhere. I'm just now catching up on Reaper this season.

Maybe if Jack had sent someone who wasn't working for a Mexican drug cartel…

I'm sure there will be plenty of it in the 2-hour finale. Olivia will probably get the question 2-3 times. AMFP will probably catch 1 or 2 since he was her security detail. And hell, since we're bringing Ethan back, let's give him one for good measure. Once Tony breaks out, whoever has to inform the President

@Nick Slaughter: RIP Bluetooth Mafia.

I haven't been able to tune in as the DVR is usually recording Bones and Samantha Who?—for my wife, I swear!

I think you meant to say retardedly awesome.

I thought Better Off Ted had already been renewed…? Or maybe that article was just speculating that it would be…

So the next Day…
Anybody know if it's going to follow this one immediately? I was starting to hope it would pick up right where this one left off.

Agreed, teh dude. I have the first season on DVD. Can't think of purchasing the others. I still watch it out of loyalty, and they do throw a decent episode my way every now and then. It won't be devastating if it doesn't get renewed, though.

I also enjoyed Saul's disappointment when Walt told him his life expectancy. Something along the lines of a dejected "Oh…I thought we were going to be able to make some real money"

In defense of the Guild of Calamitous Intent, they don't know the President is clued in to their game plan. They think Hodges is dead and took the fall as the lone gunman.

Since she screwed over her reporter friend (rimshot), I'm guessing her M.O. had to change.

It must have happened on THIS week's episode because that's the only one I haven't seen yet. Granted, 5 days is probably past the reasonable spoiler hiatus around here, but dammit all the same.

I don't think the President's daughter will be involved at all. She's just been set up as a manipulative…uh…I don't like to use the word, but…bitch. She hasn't ventured into Sherri Palmer territory, though.

Jack's examination of the body concerned me. I kept waiting for a "this gunshot shouldn't have been fatal" moment. Thankfully, it didn't happen. I can handle Jack doing other field agents' jobs better than they can (strategy, walkie-talkie tracking, etc.), but if he starts showing up the coroner…

Was I the only one that thought the baddie Tony allegedly tortured was Vince Carter? Maybe it was the cold medication, but I was waiting for a scene with Half-Man-Half-Amazing in the torture room.