
He wasn't a dick on Gone in 60 Seconds. He basically bailed out the younger Raines brother by getting the older one to finish the job. Then, he was going to help the younger brother disappear to evade Calitri when it looked like things were going south.

I thought I recognized her at the end of last week's episode, and her extended screen time this time around confirmed it. She's not attractive on Earl, either, but damn. Damn damn damn damn damn.

not a real doctor basically said everything I was going to say about the Jill situation. So I'll just say NBC can eat a big bag of dicks if they cancel this show.

Chuck has never been just a normal guy, though. If I recall, the government was looking to recruit him through that professor back in college when Bryce (also recognizing Chuck's special-ness) saved him from their clutches.

Yeah, I'm cool with the apology as it doesn't seem like intentional dickery. Olive branches all around.

You are correct, Captain. And while I agree that May is awesome, I think the first Scary Movie was successful (and mostly thanks to her performance). I haven't seen a lot of her work, but everything I have seen has been pitch perfect. She's talented. And cute.

Tuck, he's going to ruin your credit!

Thanks Junqmale. Hadn't watched House, yet.