
Raymond Barry was perfect as Arlo Givens, and making Raylan a bastard (in more than the figurative sense) would cheapen how deeply that relationship cuts.

RE: vanzettis sacco puppet
This is the only time I have (or ever will) approve the use of this meme. Good on you.

"Wait 'til Bey hears about this!"

He should have responded "Dante Stallworth", but his drug-addled brain could probably only handle one athlete's name. 30 days (24 served) is a hell of a lot less than 2 years.

RE: Hilarious

Dexter really put the stink on him lately. Good to see he's still capable (given material that's not absolute rubbish).

Let's say Hershel did know Sophia was the little girl zombie in the barn. As others have pointed out, the barn was a secret. He wasn't telling them regardless.

Couple of big differences with Amy (Andrea's sister) and Sophia.

The Ballad of Gay Tony was a lot more enjoyable than the main game of IV. It brought a good blend of characters, relationships, and zany, varied missions.

Her status within the club is probably why everyone (who has seen her) is concerned.

One of my few PSN downloads that still gets occasional playtime months after its purchase. I just wish online multiplayer had been built in.

Not on my arm!

If Clay goes to prison, I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the clinic with Otto for a "farewell" scene. Still trying to figure out exactly how they would direct Otto's fury toward him, but if Gemma's doing the plotting and scheming, anything is possible.

I googled Stockholm Syndrome, and this review was the top result.

You've compared Uncharted's gunplay and/or overall control scheme to Grand Theft Auto's a couple of times now. I love both games for different reasons, but the Uncharted series beats the everliving hell out of GTA's gunplay/character movement.  If I recall, GTA IV shipped with auto-target enabled by default, and it

Mambo has it right (and one of my favorite internet pictures as an icon). Jim doesn't do Halloween, but he somehow got roped into this one. That was the main thrust of the joke.

Most of my pics are actually of my kids (I guess I'm one of *those* people) so it took on a much more sinister tone. I laughed, though.

He killed Prado's brother, that photographer, and the hillbilly/biker/asshole in the bathroom. None of those guys fit Harry's Code. There were mitigating circumstances for each, I guess, but they were pretty big violations of the code.

Land of the Dead. Where the protagonist shares a knowing glance with the Zombie Leader as he takes his "people" on a pilgrimage.

Jack's got the right idea. Rick and Short Round (would it be less offensive to call him The Asian Guy? Following Darryl's lead is probably a bad choice.) had to dress up and perfume themselves because they were out moving around in the horde.