Mr. Ellsworth

But he was so amazing on Entourage!

I thought that was the premise of the European Gigolo movie.

I always thought Shayera threw herself off of a tower when Ned Stark brought her brother's bones/sword back to her. Now she's having future kids with a Green Lantern?

What a magical time to be alive.

Not the wood block!

I missed that announcement as well. Disappointing. Best wheelchair-bound TV character this side of "Wheels Ontario."

How dare you! I'd watch what I say or else you'll end up with your ass kicked from here to Tiananmen Square.

He'll always be the kid who got his Christmas gifts stolen by Mac to me.

In the book, Jeff Goldbum says some jive about how dark colors regulate body temperature. I remember reading that and thinking to myself that it sure is weird that Jeff Goldblum is a character in this book.

If you send someone something from Edible Arrangements at their place of work, is sharing with co-workers assumed? Or are fruits in the shape of flowers too intimate?

What about Hepatitis V, the disease that makes you think it's okay to watch True Blood?

Young Goodman 4: The Legend of Roseanne Arnold's Gold

How about turning the classic youth novel "The Moves Make the Man" by Bruce Brooks into a movie already?

If the government would let babies own guns, maybe we'd have less baby rape. Think on THAT.

Or you could just pirate everything and pay $25/year or whatever for iShare, which would accomplish the same thing.

Said Whoopi Goldberg as a hyena: "I wouldn't fuck Maleficent with Simba's dick!"

He's the one who needs to tell all the other downtrodden, villainous progeny that they need to "work it."

What about Ving Rhames? Or how about just having Affleck being haunted by the ghost of Michael Clarke Duncan?

Mandy Moore was great as the love interest.

As long as he didn't call him late for dinner!