Mr. Ellsworth

Praise Joe!

It was probably that girl from Update America that Hardy was banging.

Skipper threw Ken's gear into a brazier.

I think "Barbros" might have been Khal Drogo's dad's name.

When she walked in during the church service, I was hoping the priest would've stopped and told her that this particular church doesn't allow fatties.

Surely the Mountain deserves to be raped. I mean, the fist on his helm is just asking for it.

The Weeper might disagree.

Suck my tits, Dooshbaghe.

The would-be Halloween mugger from Louie was also in the Sopranos?

I can't hear a word they're saying.


I won't watch Hannibal because I'm still mad at NBC for cancelling Dr. DoNoHarm.

Yet another reason why the role of Ryan Hardy should have been given to Suge Knight.

Syracuse, they're calling your nameā€¦

McNutty's imaginary serial killer was a more interesting serial killer than Joe.

Maybe she's not a double agent Follower, but I can guarantee one thing: she has the same DNA as Joe.

I would like a personal apology from the Octomom for no particular reason.

I love the Drake!

Didn't he get eliminated by the San Diego Chicken?

I can't wait for this Girls/Ballers comedy hour!