Mr. Ellsworth

He likes sand because it feels smooth and stays only in designated areas.

This show review needs some comments in the ventilators. Then everybody would be commenting.

I love HBO. And I'm confident this show will get another season. It's not like they're killing a bunch of horses during production. And no I'm not bitter about Luck only having one season. Or for whatever happened to John from Cincinnati.

I love that Alfred calls Bruce "Mister" when he's 13 years old.

Cut him some slack. All of his adversaries kept getting the high ground on him.

I'm just gonna throw this out there … how about a Batman played by Cookie Monster? Call the show "Gotham Street" and the rest writes itself.

I hope Bruce Wayne wins the pod race!

I'll see your Bat Out of Hell and raise you the soundtrack to Men In Black.

Both nations love olives. Let's call it a draw.

Why would you throw back a perch without first removing the priceless pearl inside?

Joel Grey? The Asian guy from the Remo Williams movie?

I don't even own a dark phoenix.

Miguel Alvarez, you were too beautiful for this world.

Dude, if there's thugs for Mohammed running around, then what was the Patriot Act all about?

Jewish Jews are the worst!

I heard she was going to play Oscar Schindler in the gritty reboot of that movie about the list.

I initially read this as "Mordecai's mom is not as hot as I'd hoped."

I think everyone in Rick's group should take a pill that makes you age quicker. Because why not!

Those really were the best of days, back when Rick was banging Lori and Carol on the reg.

If you're so smart, Chekhov, then why don't you know any Shakespeare?