Harry Ballsonia

From what I could tell, the Charger was pretty well flattened. The roof look to be pretty much destroyed.
It's going to need some pretty serious body work.
I have a feeling they might turn it into a ragtop. ;-)

I don't trust FX to keep with something so "different" even though it's a good thing.
I'm still bitter over them not giving Terriers a second season.

Well, it's ok but…
It's no "Ballad of Bilbo Baggins." Leonard Nimoy trumps all.

So say we all.
Alex Trebek is a Cylon. He's preparing for their uprising.

Other brothas can't deny.
Sir Mixalot could not be reached for comment.

Morgan's flippers
The scene that got the biggest laugh from me was the very quick/fleeting shot immediately after Chuck & Morgan climbed aboard the Contessa, with Morgan frog-walking in his SCUBA flippers.

Tiffani Thiessen
Tiffani Thiessen may have more experience than Bomer, but that by no means makes her a better actor.

I assume Courney Love's scent would more likely smack of rotting flesh & regret.

could be worse.
Not to be confused with Kei$ha's new perfume, which will smell of vomit & urine.

Trying too hard
I gave the US version of Top Gear a chance. I just couldn't get into it.

It more or less just a very crass & cynical version of "America's Funniest Home Videos." I think Tosh has even made that comparison himself, and made a few disparaging remarks about Boob Sagat.

Comedy Central is insured for workplace accidents, just like any other employer.

Well after he gave that poor girl such a hard time on that redeye flight, who wouldn't be disappointed?

Coming soon…Terriers: The Movie! (not)
From this point on, Terriers is the new Firefly.

I couldn't really get into Archer. It seemed to be trying so hard to achieve what The Venture Brothers pulls off so effortlessly.

I think a list of "best season finales" would be a nice sublist of the "best single episodes" list.
Season finales are usually when the best of the best are trotted out anyway, and it would help to pare down what would otherwise be a huge mess of episodes to consider.

I thought it was because they had no mass, and only visible in two dimensions. Your lightbulb may shine in all directions, but it won't help you see something that doesn't exist in three dimensions.

Kes was a lame character, but the sexiest regular-character female in the Star Trek universe. That cute pixie face…That sultry voice…mmm…

Lucky you. My parents remind me more of George's folks.

Don't you mean Michael Moope?