Lieutenant Buttocks

We're not only watching her in the past. She's in both timelines, virtually unchanged.

My guess:

1. I do not believe that's correct. At no point hen William meat Maeve is she glitching to my memory.

1. Why does Maeve's timeline have to be the same as William's? We saw them interact, but did we ever see them interact in a way that showed she was glitchy?

OK, I'm now firmly on the MIB = William bandwagon, with the Dolores chase theoretically bridging the two being an intentional misdirect. It will make the opening scene with MIB and Dolores from the pilot even creepier when rewatched.

That's exactly what I think. Dolores just thinks she's acting independently. What we the viewers are perceiving as her free will is actually just the park giving William the experience he wants. He's finally having fun and enjoying it despite his firm resolution not to. Logan was getting knocked around in a manner

I wouldn't call Green Room horror. I loved the movie, but its definitely in the action/psychological drama genres for me.

Thee Babadook and The Witch are both incredibly overrated (IMO, of course). Both seemed more pop psychology treatises than actual horror films witha coherent narrative.

There are few things worse than torture porn. One of those things torture porn with pretensions towards philosophy. I may not have liked Saw, but Martyrs is one of those movies that moved past bad and into immoral.

This conversation has disappointed me.

Isn't it the fundamental nature of those who cannot answer fairly simple questions to attempt to deflect, deny, and attack, rather than admit that they're just flat wrong?

When are they going to do a Prep School season with all the kids that are around at the end of each season? Bring them all together into a prep school and let demonic hijinks roll.

Sarah Paulson did that in Hotel and it was pretty funny.

But they're not. If someone were to say that the majority of American's healthcare is better now than pre-Obamacare, they are objectively wrong. Healthcare plans are more pricey with less coverage for the majority of Americans. If someone were to say that our due process constitutional rights are better now than

I'm not sure you know what trolling is. Stating an opinion, even a potentially unpopular opinion, isn't trolling.

In what particular way? ALLCAPS isn't persuading me.

OK, to remove any ambiguity, what you (and most other people) perceive Barack Obama to have accomplished and to be as a President is not in line with objective reality.

The concept of reality is that it cannot be assailed by perceptions.

Barack Obama is more an idea than a reality. What people perceive him to be and accomplish is not in line with reality. He somehow screwed most people even worse on healthcare, further destablized the Middle East, further eroded civil liberties, and did worse than nothing to stem the increasing stanglehold of Wall

It was an unfortunate crutch early in his presidency which demeaned his excellent oratorical skills.