Lieutenant Buttocks

She is everything entitled and shallow with modern feminism. She believes she can be as ignorant and crass as she wants and hide under the cloak of feminism to excuse it. She's a shit human being who put out a crappy TV show that critics pretended was great because they so badly wanted to be progressive.

The thing that bothered me most is that no man will ever be elected president with a goatee.

Season 6 got fucked when Alexander Siddig walked off and a bunch of it had to be rewritten on the fly. Not an excuse for what we got, but I have a feeling the Wayne Palmer arc was supposed to end differently and more heroically for him.

Am I missing something? Where does it say she's a Trump supporter?

Yeah … this is more a Penthouse letter to hipsters than something I believe really happened.

Equating posting on the internet with journalism is a ridiculous leap.

I would disagree. I know people love to gloss over her pay for play, but it's real and unprecedented, and it's one of those things only someone extremely sure that they'll never be called out for corruption would even try.

I don't think so, but sometimes it's hard to gauge one's own cynicism. I don't think I'm cynical. I think I'm just angry that we have on one hand:

"If the Internet has taught you one thing, it should be that you don't have to be a journalist to report on things."

Serious question: anyone still watching The Daily Show? It's getting absolutely no buzz since Jon Stewart left.

The stench of self-righteousness on this site sometimes make me gag.

The problem with the new ghostbusters is that sucked, and everyone knew it would suck given the director and cast, and that it became unfashionable (and misogynist!) to say that it would suck.

So long as he refuses to write a script and instead has SNL-level comediennes improv, this should be just great.

You are willfully blind or insane if you don't think Clinton's allegiance is to herself and those two before any allegiance to the American people. She'd destroy every middle class job if it meant the stock market would double and Saudi enemies would be destroyed. She'd make love to a border collie if Lloyd

Trump didn't literally talk about groping women. You're just making locker room genocide talk.

He's not exactly a mental giant is my implication. He's a dumb old actor and Arnold wasn't dumb enough to spar with him.

You can't understand why people want a president not run by the Saudis and Wall Street so badly that they grasped at an orange buffoon as a blind grasping hope?

Why are the people most self-described as progressive always the easiest to talk into genocide?

De Niro spoke that way to him because he knows a guy as big as Arnie won't pummel him as a matter of pride. De Niro is a high school dropout who played tough guys thirty plus years ago. No one is afraid of him.

By sixties leftie radical" do you mean Pol Pot?