Lieutenant Buttocks

This election is about whether a inexperienced nut or the Saudis run the country. We're legitimately fucked.

Good luck with that.

In the sense that this will be the future of the internet, worldwide, yes.

Yeah, they're not going anywhere.

Thank God the US surrendered control of the internet last month. Who would have thought anything could possibly go wrong with that?

Does anyone here have any strong opinions on DC movies or Zach Snyder?

You are misusing the word "agency" to an extent that approaches doublethink when you claim that agency can be denied fictional or hypothetical people by commenting on the internet.

"Agency" is once-honorable word with a long tradition that's been co-opted by liberal arts academia into it's current incantation. I am amused at being termed "anti-intellectual" as a result of pointing that out. And yes, if people started critiquing television shows and books because the characters involved lacked

"Agency" is a term like "problematic." An empty buzzword taught by grad students to freshman so that everyone can appear wise and progressive. It's part of the continued dumbing down of the American student.

You claim Hugh Jackman is straight. I counter with this:

Um, Bryan Singer doesn't cast straight men as his leads. If Malek isn't gay, Singer will just put on his gloves, go to work, and make him gay,

Hey, we've all agreed to pretend that Singer didn't rape those children.

I was talking about people's perceptions of the issues, not the reality behind them. The fact is that the terms "misogyny" and "sexism" are losing all meaning to the average voter because they are being applied to far, far, far too liberally. People don't believe the sexual assaults, because almost every high

Jill Stein voters are voting Jill Stein even if Moby came to their houses personally to try to change their minds.

That is correct. Trump is clearly trying to project himself as a take charge, no nonsense, businessman who can get things done. That's not the same thing as national socialism!

He does. All he needs is Nevada, North Carolina, and New Hampshire and he's at 270. He's getting those and Michigan too.

Care to explain why I'm wrong? You bring up Trump's sexual assaults to a Trump voter, they will immediately respond with Duke lacrosse, Patrick Cane, UVA, etc. If you bring up sexism, I bet you a dollar, more often than not, the response is something like "everything's called sexist nowadays."

Nuance is a sign of intelligence. It's the insane lack of nuance in this this race that's driving me batty. Both candidates are just called monsters, with (ample) supporting evidence brought in to support that contention, and it's left at that. Literally the only actual honest-to-God policy ever really discussed in

Cool response bro

You know a guy conservatives love? Mark Cuban. Shark Tank is capitalism presented at its best. Cuban loves basketball and seems like a great owner. He has presence and is unafraid to say how much he loves America and capitalism.