Lieutenant Buttocks

Barack Obama, ending his presidency as productively as he served the rest of it..

Because you choose not to. If it were a frat kid doing it to sorority sister, or an athlete doing it to his girlfriend, you'd see it.

Agree, she lives and is in prison for the rest fo her life for killing her husband.

Again, saying something is not the same thing as action. Let's assume you're fat. If I see you in the street and call you "fatty fatty fat fat," I am not a very nice person. I am also a bigot. I am not, however, discriminating against you.

It was a field promotion. Someone had to steer that ship.

More like "Captain of Your Mother's Asshole." Am I right, guys?

Pathetic and Sad are conjoined internet twins.

He was really good in The Usual Suspects and nothing else.

Isn't … isn't the definition of liberal media bias borne out by the fact that even supposedly conservative media is going for Hillary?

Quit trying to create a controversy. This article is pathetic and sad.

"Sarcasm" doesn't really mean what you think it does either, apparently.

He passed laws which caused the executions of millions. That is an overt act that falls under "discrimination." Which, ya know, is pretty obvious.

Everything listed above is proof of racial and gender prejudice (aka bigotry), not discrimination, which requires action on that prejudice. Words are important, and what they mean is important. He's clearly trying to say that he has never acted negatively towards someone based on race, gender, etc., even though he

I disgaree. There is a very good chance that Donald Trump is elected president in a week and a half. If he is, it's precisely because people who share his beliefs refused to vote the lesser of two evils and went with their candidate who shared their beliefs. Their horrible nutbar of a candidate.

There is no alternative to vote for. You don't vote. If you actually believe what you claim to believe, you don't vote in this election rather than vote for these horrendous people. I'm voting in my local and state races, but I'm not voting for these monsters.

So, if he'd had his security taze her, as many musicians have to many people at many concerts,that would have been OK, but kicking her, that's six months in jail? Give me a break.

I don't know why, but my favorite part was him putting Enzo and the writer in a house of infinite mirrors to make a movie called "Fisting."

Hillary Clinton masturbates to herself in the mirror while downing amphetamines and listening to death metal.

I'm old enough to remember Dubya's presidency. When every progressive's complaint was that we were meddling in the Middle East where we didn't belong and where we were letting Wall Street run our economy and destroying the middle class. Where he was just evil and murderous and the people who supported him were