Lieutenant Buttocks

ExistenZ had strong body horror visuals and loopy Cronenberg touches (the tooth gun), but it made no sense, was dull, and worse, it never attempted to explain why anyone on God's green earth would ever play a terrible game like that. Easily his worst movie, except maybe Maps to the Stars.

Men Against Fire was worse, IMO. Playtest at least had me wondering where they were going with the whole thing, even if it ended up being sub-ExistenZ. MAF was guessable from the beginning and took a hell of a lot of time to get there.

13. Men Against Fire
12. Playtest
11. White Christmas
10. Be Right Back
9. The Entire History of You
8. San Junipero
7. The National Anthem
6. The Waldo Moment
5. Shut Up and Dance
4. Hated in the Nation
3. Nosedive
2. 15 Million Merits
1. White Bear

Trump is a hell of a lot smarter than people think he is. I don't think he thought he'd do this well, but he understood populist anger better than any candidate, R or D, and has been able to run with it.

You guys know he's going to win, right? VA, NC, FL, OH, and PA are all going for him.

The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of [intellectual] starvation.

"That's the MO for all of Tyler Perry's movies; the rich man evil personified, and the blue collar Christian man is practically a saint."

You are only truly progressive anymore if you believe very strongly that African Americans should be separate but equal.

"social media users started accusing Schumer of cultural appropriation and of being disrespectful to the racial politics at the heart of the song"

That's the dumbest thing I'll read on the internet today, and it's early.

Soldiers don't intentionally miss the enemy. And they don't vote Democrat. A decade in the army and those are the only two things I know for certain.

Agree. I think it's the worst episode of the series by a long stretch. And it's a ripoff of a 90s Outer Limits episode with almost the exact same premise and execution (can't remember episode, will look it up later.).

No, thee creatives are in it for the paycheck and because they want to make the projects.

Demon Knight was just a bonkers, fun movie (until the awful ending), with Billy Zane clearly having the most fun any human has ever had playing the bad guy.

Dawn of the Dead (2004) shifts almost immediately to being an action flick after its opening. Resident Evil as well.

The money flows the same way. That's all that's important to anyone important.

You might even say they are trying to "commodify" this "dissent"!

Everyone is aware that FOX, Fox News, FX, FXX, and goddamn HarperCollins are the same thing, right? That you can't congratulate People v. OJ without condoning (and helping finance) Fox News, right?

Critics are idiots for the most part.

Fair enough. I loved it.