Lieutenant Buttocks

A theft under $50 is typically not even a jailable offense, unless you have a certain number of previous thefts. What this means is that she has long history and now the police/DA have decided to put her away for a felony amount of time using an overdue video. As is their wont.

Killing Zoe was alright.

We'll burn the Oscars to the ground?

Zoolander, Old School, Wedding Crashers, Casa de mi Padre, and Stranger Than Fiction aren't bad either.

Whoring himself out? Will Ferrell is a big studio, commercial comedian who likes being rich and wants to remain that way indefinitely. 

When I think of edgy, indie comedians, Will Ferrell isn't exactly in the first hundred.  You can't sell out if you never bought in.

So, does anyone else here think Stevie took that enemy stuff to heart, and is playing the long con (somehow) to destroy Kenny?  To build him up on tv just so he can be spectacularly brought down, somehow destroying Kenny's relationship with April alongside?

And why the hell is Phil Dyess covering this show?  The man thought the first season of south park was too mean to celebrities FFS.

"Is he deliberately playing with fire in a brave new way, or does he just not have the greatest command of tone?"

"magic resurrection, angels, and cyclons needing love to have babies"

Oryx and Crake is one of the best books (and not just sci-fi) of the 00s.  Beautiful, sad, and with a terrifically mean ending. Year of the Flood was Closing Time to its Catch-22.  It re-trod the exact same ground, completely cheated/changed the ending of the first, and in general made the problems of humanity more

So did Krycek.

Shane Vendrell (The Shield) has to be on the list.  Just apart from his normal Strike Team shenanigans, he was hilariously corrupt, trying to hook up with Antwan Mitchell, the Armenians, and anyone else he could get a buck from.  All the while pissing off Vic Mackey and his bosses.  And he lasted all the way until the

Just posting (a year later) to point out the first formal one, against Syria, just begun!

Just posting (a year later) to point out the first formal one, against Syria, just begun!

"refusing to let Temple babysit her friends’ kid"

It's too dumb to take seriously as a social statement, and too preachy to enjoy as a pure drama/comedy.  If it weren't for the Sorkin name, it'd be a mid-season replacement on ABC, quickly cancelled.

I don't get Lydia.  Why the hell is she so determined to get deeper into the meth world that she would hook up with the Aryans?  Why isn't she cutting her losses and getting out while she can?

@avclub-4b97b5ad9d466de90e5d901c0557b21a:disqus Your mistake is that you seem to think that an innocent person can't be arrested, convicted, and incarcerated.  You're very, very naive.