Lieutenant Buttocks

@avclub-b438f33d120fae67d78ea4cbe43de909:disqus People think it'll never happen to them.

@avclub-b438f33d120fae67d78ea4cbe43de909:disqus Even I agreed with that (and I don't, as courts would be beyond cluttered given the general inebriation of defense bars), any reexamination should begin with the convicted, their attorneys, and the judiciary.  Not the police/DAs.  Because it was truly fantastical that

I think the show cheated a bit in its dichotomy.  Claudette trying to free an innocent man because she had proof he's innocent was one thing.  Her trying to get every case a drugged out PD worked on reopened and examined was another.

Aw, I loved Jekyll, specifically because it was high, high camp.  It never took itself seriously for a second, and not an inch of scenery was left uneaten.

Biggest difference?  Wallflowers and nerds were never the heroes of Hughes' movies.  Comic relief/sidekicks?  Absolutely.  But Anthony Michael Hall and Alan Ruck and Jon Cryer never got the girl.

On my personal Top 100 (not an actual list), I'd probably have:


The ten minute softcore sex scene between Octavian and Livia in Rome is one of the most hilarious "what the fuck am I watching?" in the history of television.

@avclub-500e75a036dc2d7d2fec5da1b71d36cc:disqus OK, first I'm not THAT old.  Just a fan of screwball comedy.  And again, you haven't seen the movie.  Just read its description.  It isn't a kids movie, despite that you want it to be such.

I seem to have hit a nerve with Skyfall superfans.  Look, I liked Skyfall.  It was a fun movie.  But there wasn't anything in the movie that 17-year-old me wouldn't have enjoyed as much as the . . . older me did.

Jesus, admit that you haven't seen the movie, that you're going off its wiki page.

So does pretty much every Wes Anderson movie.  Monkey Business is a clever screwball comedy, a poor man's Bringing Up Baby basically.  It isn't, as apparently @disqus_oaLJ5MNIyo:disqus thought, a movie about monkeys.

Besides the fact that the latter are clearly oriented towards decades-younger audiences than the former?

@disqus_oaLJ5MNIyo:disqus @avclub-500e75a036dc2d7d2fec5da1b71d36cc:disqus You guys probably shouldn't opine on movies you clearly haven't seen.

The Cary Grant, Ginger Rogers, Marilyn Monroe screwball comedy?  Yes, it's more mature than the latest James Bond movie, fun as it was.

Because it's a thrill to do something no one else has done or even can do.  

No spoilers, as I haven't seen past Season 3.  I know from the comments that a lot of people didn't like the Undercover Decoy Squad, but I loved them as a thematic device if nothing else.  While we have other good detectives at the Barn (Claudette and Dutch primarily), in Seasons 1 and 2 there was always the


"Sofia Coppola could shit in one of these and the AVClub would give it a B+."