Lieutenant Buttocks

Yeah, the whole tone of the movie was off.  They gave us no particular reason to root for Diaz's terrible human being of a character, and the happy ending rang as false as any I've ever seen.  Which wouldn't be that bad for a dark comedy, but the whole movie was more Apatow than Zwigoff in the comedy department.

It's "Grammar" you hillbilly.

Pictured: A Treksican Standoff

Anyone who expected this show to go out at all on a sour note was delusional.  This show has, since the beginning fo the second season, been a lighthearted romantic comedy about the wacky hijinks of a makeshift office family.  There's no darkness to it whatsoever, nor ever has been.

And even the UK version goes out on an absurdly happy note given the bleakness first two series.

Basic Instinct 3 goes in a terrifying new direction.

It means their business model is changing.  No more serious criticism, or even quasi-serious criticism.  TVClub and Newswire generate the most clicks, by far.  They'll keep film and books, but as sidenotes to keep the overall claim to quality.

EastEnders has been on over three times as many years as The Office, just for a point of reference . . .

He'll be available in the 2nd and wouldn't be a bad pick there.

*sigh* That's the snide sort of thing people like to say about Perry's movies, without caring whether it's true or not.  Any movie can be reduced stupidly like that.

Your reaction to Lottery Ticket is almost every black person's reaction to every Judd Apatow movie.

It's offensive to you.  Not to it's audience of churchgoing, middle-aged black women.

Maybe because it isn't a critic's job to pronounce moral judgment so much as esthetic judgment?  Because it isn't a big jump to say "Christian themes or troubling!" to "Christianity is troubling!"

The obviousness of the moralizing in a Perry movie is not different than, say, the moralizing of Django Unchained.  The difference is that Django moralizes popularly (overt racism is evil!) that's more palatable to white audiences, while Perry moralizes for primarily black, churchgoing audiences.

He's pretty normal for a guy who was horrifically and repeatedly sexually abused as a child.

" Perry’s movies have always been offensive in their vicious portrayals
of black men, showing black life through a misandric lens that
implicitly attributes the broader ills of black America to the moral
failings of black men."

It's called getting older. Women have to slim down or sag. Or have access to millions of dollars. No in betweena.


Or stop being cheap and get a DVR . . .

FYI, the idea for this movie is seemingly from the (in)famous court case Mayo v. Satan and All of His Minions, in which a guy tried tried to Sue Satan for everything wrong in his life, and was told he couldn't by the courts because there was no way to effect service. Hilarious opinion.