I've got to admit, I'm not watching. Is it serialized, or is it an overarching premise with stand-alone episodes?
I've got to admit, I'm not watching. Is it serialized, or is it an overarching premise with stand-alone episodes?
I've got to admit, I'm not watching. Is it serialized, or is it an overarching premise with stand-alone episodes?
Sorry, your personal gay-dar isn't remotely support for your assertion.
Sorry, your personal gay-dar isn't remotely support for your assertion.
What was the last serialized, continuity-focused hit on a broadcast network? Lost/24 are the only two big recent ones that jump to mind, and they aren't all that recent. I think the problem's more that you aren't going to get more than 5M people to agree to sit down and watch something every week, and so it's not…
What was the last serialized, continuity-focused hit on a broadcast network? Lost/24 are the only two big recent ones that jump to mind, and they aren't all that recent. I think the problem's more that you aren't going to get more than 5M people to agree to sit down and watch something every week, and so it's not…
If you choose to believe that, then nothing I can say will change your mind.
If you choose to believe that, then nothing I can say will change your mind.
It was the funniest ripoff of the Hangover ever!
It was the funniest ripoff of the Hangover ever!
Because he's stupid. For fuck's sake, he just spent $10K to help found "Five Guys and a Truck Sports Marketing."
Because he's stupid. For fuck's sake, he just spent $10K to help found "Five Guys and a Truck Sports Marketing."
It's mostly that I just don't understand why anyone is supposed to sympathize with Jim here, and as such I can't imagine why Pam would. The guy's got what, a two-year-old and a four-year-old? And he either wants to uproot to a new city to chase a dream (that neither you nor I can actually figure out), or to rent a…
It's mostly that I just don't understand why anyone is supposed to sympathize with Jim here, and as such I can't imagine why Pam would. The guy's got what, a two-year-old and a four-year-old? And he either wants to uproot to a new city to chase a dream (that neither you nor I can actually figure out), or to rent a…
I would buy that if I believed that 99% of the people bitching about Perry had actually, you know, ever watched one of his movies. They obviously don't hate Tyler Perry because he makes dreck - almost everyone makes dreck. They hate Tyler Perry because of what they presume he stands for - religious black…
I would buy that if I believed that 99% of the people bitching about Perry had actually, you know, ever watched one of his movies. They obviously don't hate Tyler Perry because he makes dreck - almost everyone makes dreck. They hate Tyler Perry because of what they presume he stands for - religious black…
My point is that you don't know the guy's gay. You have nothing to support he's gay, except for the sniggering posts of various (probably) latent homosexuals on the internet.
My point is that you don't know the guy's gay. You have nothing to support he's gay, except for the sniggering posts of various (probably) latent homosexuals on the internet.