
"I'm gonna ignore the picture on the box and randomly put pieces together for 25 minutes, after that I'll try and get Mom to stop watching TV and go to the park where everyone else is, after that I'll go back to the legos but this time prob not even bother clicking em together, just shuffle a few around every minute

Seriously doubt this movie will happen. Drawing is hard and if these moviemakerz are anything like me, half the crayons will get stuck in between the cushions, fuschia will be used in my undies, green will be used to paint the lemons so I dont have to go back downstairz and get limes, is anybody really gonna say

No itz "Rigatoni Pants: Noodles on Thighs"

I can tell by this octopus' tentacles that he is DEFINITELY going to Nancy's Gnarled Nails for a pedicure and gonna read Sookie Stackhouse all at once.

When will you be saying it again next, I want to bring bologna potato soup and a carton of sad lollipops

Is your name Irwin Fincher?

Brian. Without him how would I know about that a Hard Rock Cafe necklace is even a thing much less a bday prez?

Gross feet

Tom Thibodeau is playing Dom from the Real World.

He can pull off cherries from the tree, come over give me a dirty look cuz I only have Folgers. Lie down on my couch with his sandals on, a 6 month old piece of dog crap settling betwixt the cushions. He does this every day for 100 years I could actually vaccuum out the dog craps and buld them into a life size statue

True good point (What are you, the Point Czar now? And like in Trafffic so yer daughter will prob be all unpointy. All dull and youll have to rescue her from a white socks club or light beer tasting or w/e), but I alwayz worry the drawer (not the socks) will get pepperoni on the paper and block Hank's eye and people

I found out two celery stickz glued together is a good place to hide the crab meat when my maternal grandma comes over.

Itz some old guy from Namibia who crashed the 1994 MTV Music awards with a congo drum asking for directions to Tullahoma.

Wow, wtf you talkin about?

Itd be more like 6 days and 22 hrs and 35 min tho, cuz you'd have to let TomWaitsSnowman explain the episode and finish the apricots and clean up the moogoo guypan and then wait for the next…installment? did you watch Lost at Home Depot? If so id say you were the one who wuz Lost. "Where's my ship" - Captain Dada

I always have percentages of beer, TV, burgers, tobacco and dunk my junk while I read this dont you??

Think we should go to the beach to listen to it, put the phone in the middle of hte blanket so it doesn't get buried, but now the cooler has to go right behind the blanket but that made a little mound that got on the edge of the blanket so lets move the blanket, pick up the phone, take the flip flops and soda cup off

Good news: If you put your jeanz in the fridge before you go to work you stay Cool Ceith in this wetter sweater weather and also i can't help theres lunchables in my pockets now.

username: Cmon, adoy! I wuz livin in Austin filling up the empty spaces inside my legs and arms where there's no bones or blood or feelings with bbq sauce but them my pee came out like grape soda so i moved back.