
Come out come out wherever you are

It saddens me that you failed to mention what a good child Ray Ray wuz. Sure, when you give him mashed up turkey a lil cranberry sauce is gonna get all over the keys, in between the cracks. But then he's a bit older, he'll tinkle around with Cranberry Fields Forever, sitting round the fireside, eating marshallows,

Itz a Oklahoma City Tomato actually and it goes well with a bit of salt and some motzerella. I dropped it and it spun around the kitchen floor for a coupla minutes which is why everyone is calling it a tornado but they should stop cuz itz makin me feel bad now so I think I'll actually just smash it up and turn it into

Why do you pop up every time I mention olive loaf?

Yeah but they later found out that Miles Davis thing wuz written by Leonardo Piera in the 1473, Pierces great^6 dad, with a ostrich feather pen on a crusty old baguette that you can read about in the TI from Feb 2003 sandwich thread when Wil Wheaton turned it into a grilled olive loaf and muenster foot long.

Yeah Im moving to the new site. Now I gotta spend all weekend retracing my steps to figure out where this purple tank is. First thing I did after Bri took the pic wuz eat a cheesesteak so I guess I'll start there.

And Ameliettle bit bad at writing like Gillette is bad at making my nacho funk disappear. So it'll be nice to stay updated with what TomWaitsForScrawler is wearing on the slopes and stuff but if I want to know what to think of the time Matt Damon got lost in a desert trying to find Turtle to get him to donate some

Ellie you're like an 8 pack of frozen Nathan's buried underneath the Kashi tofurkey somasas I just pulled out and snuck into the IRS auditors briefcase while he wuz in the loo.

The Long National Nightmare

I wuz taught that alligators eat gay guys when they're trying to slim down for swamp bod, so they poop out little pink triangles and the pointy part comes out of their butts first, and that raises awareness about gay maulings since the triangles are all over the marsh which is 'greater than' no awareness at all.

Boys are ridickupuss. Everytime you make them pants you gotta cut out a piece of the aids quilt so therez another layer between the crack and the dinner table. Plus they're always talkin about pulled pork and dumbbells when really they should be putting the friggin ice trays back so I don't have to make the bourbon

Well to be totebags fair, before AV Club did a gateway to geekery on soup I wuz using a straw and burnt my frencher, squeezing minestrone outta water bottles, sending back gazpacho after it made my nachos all soggy, had to get a new mouthroof since cream of brocolli really does look dangerously like vanilla milkshake

Bert actually passed away 4 days ago in real life:

He kept tryin to shift my paradigm, really uncomfortable.

Last time we went out for dinner he ordered zeitgeist meatballs.

Obv just wear the condom at all times, which will make you need to use it so bad that you won't want good vision so ya don't need the contact stuff, teeth crap just keep eating mint chocolate milkshakes and baileys all night.

In 1994 I went to disneyworld and saw Michael Eisner eating a coupla minnie tacos and he squirted some donald duck sauce on me, tried to slip me a monopoly hundo but I told him that wouldn't Talespin with me, so I told him to shop my first screenplay 'Honey I Reshrunk The Kids Who Live In My Pants' where Moranus

Said the same thing to Bri when I wuz tryin to make sriracha ho hos and learn the choreography in my 2 piece to Penistons Finally 15 minutes before the motorcycle pulled up to take my ass to the the Vietcong Ding Dong 1992 Furious Pool Hall Ska Benefit Dance for Adults with Afropelvic Assosciative Disorder.

Wait did you rape an alligator? Hope when you pulled off its scalypants it wuz wearing lacoste undies lol