Country Yellow Cottage Sneeze:
Country Yellow Cottage Sneeze:
Lol he traded in his ball for a butt on his left thigh, rules.
Good cuz I just stocked up on themed dental floz, making chicken gizzards of oz tonight, just told me employer he yelled at me like a boz and he woz all 'Get back to Kansas' which actually made sense cuz I had momentarily stopped singing Carry Oz My Wayward Son when I opened up my lunch bag and pretended two…
Sorry I ate your bird.
So next time it's the revolver in the library I'll know…
Scott Baio wears a diaper for 2 hours and crawls around in sunglasses trying to stop Jon Voight from making people watch Charles In Charge.
It's hard to find skyscraper shaped ham anywhere besides a salad bar, so ya better enjoy it while ya can!
Whats ur fav salad bar item? Least?
Its really about just a coupla things. They need to talk to the other band memberz and see what words to use. And then say those words either really loud or into a thing that makes you sound loud. Say them longer than you would a word. If the lyric is "I got the ham" you don't say it like to the poodle tied up to the…
You forgot Superbabies Baby Geniuses 2.
Sirloin medium rare, add the salad bar and could you bring more bread, diet coke, slide whistle, salad bar is outta cottage cheese btw. baked.
Foods that are long and slim will make you long and slim. Stop eating spaghetti, bananas, pixie straws, twizzlers and asparagus. You want to get shorter and wider so start eating eggs sideways, potatoes, bagels and calzones.
Lol who doesn't use wonder bread?!
Not embarrassed at all! What's embarrassing is the dolphin sweatshirt I wore that entire year and the fact that I still own it and sometimes pick up cat litter and soco in it.
That would friggin stink! Fo realz though, I wuz in a cab on the way to get blotto on the exact block where that hacidic baby labor accident thing happened about 3 minutes before it happened, according to the news and my phone call timestamp with Bri lettin him know for the 100th time which drawer his 'dressy' hawaiin…
PVC Search Party Thread:
oh come on!
oh come on!
Where's Otis now? He sounds haawwt.