You seem like a smart and aphabel Mister Oat, so whuz up with not hatin on Mendez? Dude, here's like a bunch of reasons:
You seem like a smart and aphabel Mister Oat, so whuz up with not hatin on Mendez? Dude, here's like a bunch of reasons:
Wuzzup My Lovies!
I had a inhaler once I would use when I got hungry. Iz like an asthma inhaler but there was little bits of ham and brie inside of it lolz cuz I would always suck that shit up during dinner while there was still food in my mouth and so the next time I used it it was always full of leftovers. I would…
Yer excited…like bonerly?? lolz jk (like TROM-bonerly! I mean) jk.
Rest In Peas
A 48 cent can of peas is you deserve better :(((((((
HEY Peepanaderzzz (not like that guy who made Wbush win lolz) sorry Ive been on the lamb (jk more like on the stool at the mexican bar in the village (hollapeno senor gomez!)
RIP Cool DUDE!!!
Big lovezzzzzzzz
lolz remember when Haysoos rented brown Bunny and had to ride his motorcycle (live Vince Vaughn or w/e did in the movie) and he had to go to like 3 diff Blockbusterz to return it cuz he never knows where he is and then he ordered like 10 burgerz with no ketchup afterwards.
Reminds me of when DJ Tanners went to TJ Maxx and recorded that hot single with JTT Taylor "My Entire House Is Full of Home Improvements So Let's Go Shopping at TJ Maxx" I didn't realize it then but that was actually an advertisement for a bunch of things (like Jello, house cats, Spicy Mustard and Dots the…
Wut do ya like better?
Lou-ow Barlow?!?!
A luke a latka hickey
I know ya wanna gay me
I dunno, I'll drink at brunch on a Sunday or w/e but I usually like to start gettin ol' hammersauced at like 6-7 pm in the summer and like 10-12 in the winter.
Sad to see Rouse turning so happily irrelevant. Shit works like that when you go and live on a beautiful island with a bimbo model yo. He's probably just a happy dude now who eats fresh seafood and has cigars and cocktails and late nights playing cards by the fire and shittz…That makes for some serious shitterd…
Condolences Mr Snowman. Don't be a stranger yo! Come say hi to me at least sometime ;)
lol juan I met alotta boys yo. And I will tell you this. All the ones who are waay impressed with how smart they are all: have small charlie wangs, dress kinda girly, get beaten by me at videogames. You are one of those boys I think.
1) The Dreamers has like the nastiest food scene in all of moviees, that casserole was sooo groos barf, it made me never wanna eat again. Maybe you felt as hungry as them? But even thats bs cuz they didnt give a shitz about hunger they just wanted to bone and rant about french politics
WTF OTP!?!??! That Auzzie trewbadoor travelled the whole world looking for the finest shrimp in the whole ocean and he, a bonerfied expert, finally found them at the Border. And thats the 1 thing yer too good for?!?!??! Fine, then. Meet me at 2158 Nostrand Avenue in Brooklyn and we'll have a tiny fish sammy eating…
Whenever I watch Mad Men I buy a bottle of JD and a pack of stoggers and a big fat Xmas ham and I put my hair in a bob and take out my vinyl yellow dress and I just sit at the kitchen and tap my foot and glare at Brian and his friends while they ask me for snacks and when will the ham be ready and I answer…
Blood Meridian kewl :)
So it did a good job of boring us? Agreed! Point Break was frackin droolin all over that Burp Locker bullshitzzzz
The Greengrass Spinny Zone!!!!!!
Dont eat milkduds before you go see the Greengrass Spin Zone. I was on his flight over to the middle east (I wuz going to Dubai to play bumper cars at the beach with towelies) and he asked if he could bring his tilt-a-whirl on the airplane cuz that's how he makes his movies feel like…