
Jim, you must be smart! Are you still in the Navy? That's crazy cuz they make you work out really hard and go places you might not want to. I'd be afraid I'd be into it some days but other days don't you just wanna sit on the couch and eat subs and drink beers but instead you gotta fix an airplane that lives on a

What were you doing in Dubai? I know you're an emperor and all but still! I wanna go there and go to that Earth Island Ocean thing and buy the place that would be the town where I grew up and then build a mini house that I lived in. But this is about you Jimber, what were you doing there? Was it fun?

Sorry peepz. I haven't posted in a while cuz of some stuff and I sure didnt mean to quadoobly post but I guess I got a lil too excited to be back chillin with yallz!

You missed all the good ones :(((
What about when Bizarre Fatty ate a spider on a waterski in Sierra Leone with a rastafarian? What about when Conan O Brian got angry with Diane Lane for eating an alfalfa and tofu sandwich during an interview? What about when Oscar from the Office went to Target and bought a wiffle

You missed all the good ones :(((
What about when Bizarre Fatty ate a spider on a waterski in Sierra Leone with a rastafarian? What about when Conan O Brian got angry with Diane Lane for eating an alfalfa and tofu sandwich during an interview? What about when Oscar from the Office went to Target and bought a wiffle

You missed all the good ones :(((
What about when Bizarre Fatty ate a spider on a waterski in Sierra Leone with a rastafarian? What about when Conan O Brian got angry with Diane Lane for eating an alfalfa and tofu sandwich during an interview? What about when Oscar from the Office went to Target and bought a wiffle

LOL on XYZ!!! jk

Oskama bin' Ramen was my Asian friend Choo's ska band!

Before Mom died when I was like 7 I'd watch Nickelodean and eat tuna fish sandwiches she made me, and Id sit there 2 feet from the screen every time You Cant Do That On Television came on, I'd watch it like crazy and when they would hide in teh lockers Id go inside this big cabinet we had in the living

A few favs!!!!
Showers with Monsters
Mayonnaise Eyeballs
Cans and Cans and Giant Hams
1,2,3,4,5 Now Stop Talking
Drippy Drugs
Pantsy Fans
Armpits Grumpy Uncle
Marshmallow Mazda Madness
All Soup Must Go

Cant remember the name
I read a bunch when I wuz like 15. Which one was the book where the old man lives in Papa New Guinea and hes out hunting and hits the American spy scientist with an arrow and he reaches in the guys pocket and he has a pepporoni hot pocket in his jean pocket, but it turns out he has an entire

This guy is weird!!!!

Some notes
I just finished eating an entire block of goat cheese and valley crackers and some macallan after I watched this whole episode (peed and got more crackers during comm breaks) Annyyyzzz there were some interesthings…

Ok I always here this word "transcendent" and from what I can tell its the word you try to not overuse but its the word you use when you really mean to say "I really love it". Everyone on here has a coupla favorites music/movie-wise. Those movies do not transcend reality or make the people who love them


Wow the same old shit from a guy who is actually George Clooney pretending to be a guy who is the guy who the Janitor in Michael Clooney was based on but is actually George Clooney pretending to be the Oatmeal poster pretending to not actually be Tilda Swinton pretending to be the AIDS guy she lived with pretending to

I dunno, a band that has gone on for like 25 years and has existed without needing to make some kinda dumb record on a BIG label or some stupid shtick and just keeps churning like butter out records that a small but nice group of people like and it makes a small group of people happy and it makes them money without

lol at the brian impersonater! Brian crashed here tonight (ugh, hes passed out tho). I made him come with me cuz I told him how people here always talk about him and hes always like 'your nerd movie site full of dorks how the frack (fuck) do they know me' and he gets weirded out when I show him the comments and you

Jukalaiale, I dont think either of those things you say about me are that real. Youve only seen the way I look for one second of my life (this pic, unless you were there tonight but we didnt talk I think) and I havent changed my personality as a whole in any way since the first time you met me on here or since. If you

Sexasoraus! ha!
Its funny that you liken this man to a dinosaurus because he was born right up in this gen! and thats kinda parta what hes about I like to think that Omar is still gonna kick some stomps with this fagger but i dunno omar seems like hes on to bugger things by now. hold up