
That picture is funny
But the picture right now for me isn't. I'm really having a hard time breathing cuz of asthma. Anyway, I bought a girl on girl x-box used game a coupla years ago thinking it would encourage poeple to come over and drink and play video games (cuz i Dont really like video games), but the thing is

Hey. No I didn't see Brian this weekend. I went out for my friends b-day last night and we drank these tequila shots that had blue caracou or whatever the crap its called in it. Had like 4 of them and a bunch of beers and now I feel like crap. Making some mac and cheese and prolly gonna sit on the couch all day. Ugh.

My stomach seriously fucking hurts. I'm going back to sleep my mouth tastes so bad.

Nathan, I think you're the funniest writer on this website. You make me laugh almost every article you write. Why'd you stop doing that TV show from way back? That was funny too!

I take issue with your number 4. If you read this article, or shit even any of the comments, you probably know more about Sublime than that. Crap on a cracker, you probably knew more about them than that before this newswire, I bet you know at least 3 of their songs. Haven't you ever been to an open mic night acoustic

I have the solution. Stop going to acoustic guitar open mic nights!

Why don't they just play under the Long Beach Dub All Stars. Everyone who liked Sublime knew who they were and what they were about, and if they want to run on the fame of an old band, just choose that one. I guess maybe they'll make a little more money if they use Sublime, but at the cost of pissing everyone in

Cuz his name is Jaleel White. I bet you knew why and knew that though. Wasn't everyone on that show really mad at him the whole time cuz he was supposed to be just a guest star but then he became a big nationwide phenomena. He was like way bigger than the damn show. I bet more people can remember Erkel than "Family

No. You sound angry and I've already slept with too many angry guys. They tend to be angry in bed and that is no fun at all, No Sir E Bob

Wow! Great Question!
I usually watch the Price is Right when I'm sick cuz it reminds me of staying home and being a kid and watching it. Though I don't like the new host. I also like to watch Days of Our Lives because when I used to stay at my grandmas house she would always put that on and make me watch it with her.

Why did you block me for so long, web IT advisory people? Naw, I know you work hard. I always watch this show and think of how occassionally the NYT online main story will go from like "Pakistani fight Taliban in Mountains" and then - boop - "New Versace fashion walk uninspiring" and you have to wonder if

Oh, come on. You know they'll be at least +300 to win the World Series. Fear not, disappointment is heading their way!

No, but that's clever! Sadly, more clever than I could think up. I watch these shows all out of order and I didn't see tonights cuz I just watch them on HD Showcase On Demand, so honestly I don't even really have a good idea when the show is on. Will the rerun this tonight? I wanna come back and talk about this ep -

And jellybeans!

Michael Scott
That boss is friggin CRAAZZZYYY. I like it when he goes Pam p p p Pam, it's like a reference to the Flinstones I think? He tried to do that Updog joke and it didn't work at all cuz he said it wrong (tho in a couple instances he said it right but the person responded wrong). That time when he got

(Titled) Tributez to Diminutive Wayne
Little Wayne Takin Pain In the Main
Slammer Pleez Hammer Dont Hurt Him
Yo dog Say What
No more acne on my butt!
Say what say what
No more acne on my butt!
Wayne's world is now really small
I hope he get a phone I mightz give him a call
He be like whos dis!
I be like its Stacys wit!
Say what

Why do you all keep asking me about fucking Brian, of all things? I should actually tell him that you people talk about him all the time.

Funny! Have you seen this one?

Green with Envy!
It's high time they made a remake of something that was from the 80s that already had a bunch of remakes!

Zodiac, you're not very nice, and judging from that thing that had your voice in it, unless if you're joking that's pretty sad.