A Fish Called Wanda
Wasn't he in A F-f-f-f ish c-c-c-called wa-wa-wanda?
A Fish Called Wanda
Wasn't he in A F-f-f-f ish c-c-c-called wa-wa-wanda?
Hah, Krackhead. Get it?
Who cares
I don't get when people act like it's some personal victory if a show does well ratings/awards wise, or get pissed off when it doesn't. I've actually heard real humans say "It fucking pisses me off that the Wire never won an Emmy". How could that possibly piss someone off? Actual humans outside of LA care…
Ol' Chucky!
This isn't a story, its a bunch of essays talking about how great KISS is. How is that a movie? Will that guy from the NY Press who said Chuckys face looked like a butthole be in it? That guy is an expat. He made good on Susan Sarandons promise to leave the country if Bush got reelected. I'm considering…
My dad used to love the USFL, and it was simply because they had a team playing in New Jersey and they actually called the team the New Jersey Generals. Up until the end, Dad did business in Dallas - he worked in the restaurant management biz, but anyway he'd do business with a group of investors down in Dallas…
If you consider growing up in Short Hills with an annoying Carmella like step-mom and a fat younger brother who plays video games all the time and being on the high school golf team and being, ugh, really into only grunge and classic rock then yes Brians had a crazy life.
The best weather-related movie
Werner Herzog made a documentary where he went to this island where a volcano was about to blow and he interviewed the people who refused to leave in the face of almost-certain lava flow. It was awesome. But I don't know if that counts cuz it was only like 40 minutes long. And I don't…
Oh wow, that looks awesome. I knew that dude had a crazy life - and his stuff on Doomsday is really good, though I don't actually know much else of his stuff. But I'm gonna order that now, cool!
Your comment wasn't funny at all and your personality seems really mean.
I wasn't trying to be funny, just commenting about the topic. It wasn't mean though. Well, maybe a little to Kanye but not even really plus I don't think he reads this website too much.
I'm gonna have a lot of winter reading to do now. JEESSSUS! JK, I don't read much and lord on a log knows I'm no big fan of Kanye. I'm more of a MF DOOM gal myself when it comes to the RAPZZZZ. I like rap about food. Plus MF DOOM never makes anyone cry on TV, but thats probably cuz he's never invited to the MTV…
Yes, I know a guy named Brian and we have dated on and off for some time. We don't date anymore but he is still my friend, he is weird though. UGH, why am I explaining this to you people. Hold on
This man better stay alive
Didn't he say he was going to record an album for every state? Does he know how many states we have? Was he talking about USA? This is like if Babe Ruth pointed to the bleachers and then laid down a bunt. What gives Surfjam?
I used to watch that show all the time. You know how you have really specific memories from childhood, ones that are totally irrelevant. I remember being in Crazy Eddies and this show was on the air. The two bimbo girlfriends were hanging out in Larry and Balkis apartment. I remember thinking at the time, wow…
Gaping Grapes!
This whole idea of interactive audience decision making isn't meant to happen. It's not going to work, peepzz!! I think their efforts would be better spent by Feldman and Corman drawing a biographical mural about the life of late inning prankster Roger McDowell on a giant bridge!
That leaves room
By the laws of volume, that leaves new room for new shows on Fox. I'm hammering out the details for my new series With Susan Sarandon called Desperately Suddenly Sudan with Susan Sarandon. She's going to play a liberal campaign worker who goes around to huts getting people to sign a petition…
Mr. Ming,
Brian Austin Green should play the guy with the dumb hats.
Are you trying to say he should buy that shirt with a beer pitcher on it that says "Relief Pitcher"…while he pitches a movie? Ironic. Then he could rip that bad boy off and be wearing a Che T-shirt. Heh
Leonardo, you are going to love this game I bet! You said something really rude to me the other day and I don't think I did anything to deserve it (I wasn't being mean to you) but hey, you know…whatever. We should play this game sometime if you're ever in NYC. Maybe you won't dislike me in person.
Wrath, you and I should frackin' co-direct a remake of 30 rock with her in the Jenna role. So that way we'll actually know for certain who would have been better! I say Mike Tyson for Tracy, Owen Wilson for Kenneth and and Sandra Bernhard for Liz Lemon. I'd have to call in a few favors of course. And out of work, I'd…