I'm watching The Mexican on HBO right now. Julia Roberts is in it! She is 'not' playing a Mexican however. She did just smoocHHH Brad Pitt though, lucky giant-faced woman.
I'm watching The Mexican on HBO right now. Julia Roberts is in it! She is 'not' playing a Mexican however. She did just smoocHHH Brad Pitt though, lucky giant-faced woman.
Thanks! That was an extremely friendly way to end your comment, wow. You are of value to me now because you nicely answered my question (though I'm sure you wee always valuable before this, unlikely this is the first valuable thing you've ever done. Unless you're like a week old maybe. In which case you would be of…
It makes Steve seem more like he's in the room talking to you and eating popcorn out of your bowl when he says 'that guy'. It sounds like something my brother would say (cuz he doesn't use IMDB).
It makes Steve seem more like he's in the room talking to you and eating popcorn out of your bowl when he says 'that guy'. It sounds like something my brother would say (cuz he doesn't use IMDB).
I watched one or two episodes from the beginning of the first season and it seemed kind of corny and not something I would like. But all of you NeRdzzz love it but a couple people I know love it but they're the kind of people that them loving it makes me think I wont like it. Is it the kind of show that…
Is the most interesting thing about this show the fact that it's called Bored to Death and is actually the most boring show on television? Not worst, but boringerist it is. The show is making me want to punch Z-Gal in the penile and that should not be something that is happening on Earth to me. I could write…
I wanna go see it
But Jake has the attitude that if anything even kinda looks like a kids movie he just will not see it. Same with ex-douche Brian. He didn't even really like going to the movies. Last movie we went to the theater that he liked was National Treasure a couple of summers ago. He made me go the next day…
Ramones, and especially the Clash, are great driving music. Being hipster approved doesn't preclude it from being driving approved (by your El Camino chauffeur Stacy anyway - well the car's at Dad's but I can go pick it up next week).
Agree on GNR or not, my point is the same. Queen, CCR, some Beastie Boys, More Than A Feeling…whatever, I'm talking about music that we all know and all have soaring choruses and we can all shout out. I honestly think your average Joe isn't writing about music for a website would be able to better answer this…
You know you guys are living in a bubble that is shut off from anywhere near humanity when you think ROAD TRIP and then think….William Pickett's cover of Hey Jude! and some Screeching Weasel!
That's not very nice.
Philly is the worst
Not kidding - you know how every once in a while you'll have some friendterd who will try and make you go to Philly 'for a show' or whatever "Cheesteakzzz rule" or whatever, then you go and it ALWAYS blows. Everyone you meet down there is always like, Oh its soo much better than NYC, its so much…
Brian is probably a big fan of this, since he's a fucking perv.
So this guy makes a movie every forty years and every movie feels like it takes 40 years to finish. That's about as artistic as the Rape Tunnel I'm going to next week.
Oh man, this guy had a real goofy charisma that you rarely saw then in the WWF, and you certainly won't see now. All the guys now just seem like dead-eyed meatheads going about their business all workmanlike. Captain Lou was a genuine personality in a sport that lives and dies by interesting personality. He knew…
Hey mbs, you are my absolute favorite person in NYC that I don't know. Let's go watch Hungarian movies at BAM BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Gross. You look like my uncle. Ugh.
I have one of my worst memories of Freshman year watching this thing. Brian was in a creative writing class and he used to write all this Harry Potter porn fiction stuff and then, ugh!, read it to me over the phone. I could hear him in the background (we were on the phone cuz his dorm was in fucking Brooklyn) and…
Dumb inventions for lazy americans?
How about 24 lists that where we don't actually make a list but rather take a lame David Cross skit and say we'd like to make a list about it (and not cite the Chipstermunk himself).
Hey Homodell
Are you ever going to stop talking about the book now? I was out with Jake tonight (Slaughtered Lamb!) and we actually took bets on if you could go two days without pimping some sort of crap the AVC sells. We're hear to read about pretentious 'films' and your ballsucking tastes in crappy Oberst and pseudo…