Livin in American

final thought…primary difference between the two works.

Valid points all. I also read the preface to the book where Burgess describes the title as meaning an object that appear to have the illusion of free will but in fact does not. The one point I should have advanced first is that Burgess book is substantially improved by having the final chapter removed. Also, Kubrick's

@the leader
er…no. That's a over-simplistic reading based on defunct christian morality. The book and film constantly illustrate how the nature of what is good and evil are entirely subjective. The government robbing alex of free will is doing what they consider is good. The left wing victim of Alex's first rampage

Kubrick's script not only improved on Burgess novel in almost every regard, the ending is more appropriate. I concur with Avatar Avatar's assessment of the final chapter being perfunctory at best.

It's game over man.

@general obvious
I hate chris evans but you just convinced me to buy a ticket.

P.S. Good fuckin luck on the republicans winning the next election. What can they even say. "…um obama didn't kill Osama fast enough…um…er…."

Fuck yeah! He deserved everything he got. I got drunk to celebrate. Obama has king kong sized nads! He should give a speech wearing a massive fucking cod piece with a banner saying "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: FOR REALSIES". This proves that right wingers are a bunch of shit talkin' pussies who can't "git 'er done" like the

@baby wants to fuck but has no understanding of the female sex and therefore has yet to be laid.

Ha ha at Rand. I love that based on her own philosophy the failure of her movie proves that her theories are horseshit and her disciples are brain dead mongloid deviants

I don't mean for this to be inflammatory but any who is a randian is an evil sack of dogshit.

Back from work and mildly buzzed. The last few posters put it in more concise terms than I did.
You said it all. Oxfordians are the birthers of the literary world: Beautiful.

okay final comment than off to work I go.
Yes because shakespeare knew the English court system intimately he couldn't have written plays. Infallible logic. Twain must have traveled backwards in time a la a yankee in king arthur's court to ascertain what the average person's understanding of the elizabethan court

never ever said if something comes first its better. I'm a hundred percent on board with you saying the divine comedy is better.
this from the online dictionary:
better 1 (btr)
adj. Comparative of good.
1. Greater in excellence or higher in quality.
2. More useful, suitable, or desirable: found a better way to go; a

Why ever compare any author ever? You have a very limited criteria for who one could contrast against whom. Shakespeare never engaged in satire either. Would you argue that I shouldn't compare Joyce with Samuel Beckett because Beckett was predominantly a playwright? Would you say I shouldn't compare Francis Bacon and

@ salsa
Let me make a quantitative assertion: Shakespeare is better. Saying that Twain isn't in competition with Shakespeare in "any appreciable sense" bespeaks a lack of understanding about literature. There is always the anxiety of influence. Twain read Shakespeare and cared enough to write a work calling him a

@ James Spader neutered
Yes Mark Twain wasn't known for being ironic or tongue in cheek. Also Shakespeare's life is incredibly well documented for someone born in the Elizabethan era. It wasn't like he was getting his work copyrighted or anything. The notion that he didn't pen his plays arises from a prejudice of the

This is one of the great travesties in history. Anyone who gives serious credence to the notion that Shakespeare didn't pen his own plays is an idiotic twat…there I said it.

Ha ha at David Simms for trying to look all politically correct. Condemning one of the best moments in Seinfield the "damn fool" line just so you appear enlightened is a sad testament to your closet racism. You doth protest too much.
Also George knocking an old lady with a walker, children and women out of the way

Flaubert is right about the pot and I've smoked more than anybody so I'd know.