Livin in American

Piss Flaubert I lives in Vancouver. You've never seen so many crack heads walking the streets. But they're polite crackheads. We're a civilized people. You know what the scariest thing is is that they can receive free health care. And if crack heads mug you and you are forced to receive medical attention you won't

Will and Jaden Smith star in M. SHAMalyan's The Happening 2: The Quickening.

@ saCCastro
You're a pretension jackanapes. I willing to bet $10 that you've never seen the original scarface and you only heard there was one. So you automatically just say you like the old one to appear sophisticated.
Internet douchebaggery par excellence.

@ hey!
the academy also nominated the fat chick from precious and gave an oscar to the chick from speed; their track record ain't very great.

Damn right sarCCAstro you liberal queer baiter.
I sprayed my freedom love juice all over the front row when I saw the marines killing ara..I mean aliens.

@dogstule afternoon
Some one has a hard on for jude law.
Coherent plotting? There's a part where giovanni ribisi escapes prison because he says the robot guards just left to go do something else.
That film is a piece of dog shit.

Also 300 gave me an erection. And not solely because of the cgi enhanced abs of the heroin addicted tommy hilfiger models they hired to portray brutal Spartan Soldiers. No, it aroused me because it was a metaphor for the courageous George W. Bush's quest to rid the world of middle eastern peoples. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Scrooged: The Scrooge McDuck story

Mickey runs afoul of an Irishman.

great call!

Err did I miss the committee meeting where everyone got together and decided sky captain wasn't the biggest pile of stinking donkey shit every shovelled onto a reel of film? It makes the phantom menace loo like raging bull. I seriously question the taste of anyone who would give it more than 2 out o 10. That cgi was

shallow, lonely low lifes audition for reality tv shows.

sarCCastro you unamerican cockteaser, Chronicles was an epic masterpiece.

O'Neal won't even back up what he wrote. He just took a sucker punch and ran away. That's not how we do it here in America.

@shit catapult
I'm primarily bitter because the syphilis you're moms gave me caused my dick tip to fall off.

O'Neal you seem like a snippy bitch. Whatever happened to professionalism?

Here's a scientific fact: Simon Pegg is popular because nerds like to see other nerds on tv so they don't feel as pathetic as they really are.

@Jorge Von Salsa
Here's a thought: if you tried getting laid more than once a decade you wouldn't have so much time to study the minutia of comic-book geekery.
@darkpassengerside queerballs
Man would life suck if I tied my self esteem up with a cut-rate pop culture website so much that I became hysterical with rage when

this thread wins most inane bullshit award.