
Turtle Club
I think he is turtle-y enough for the Turtle Club.

I think the phrase "fond of leather" is just too cute!

Hi Burl! It was just a movie, not real life. The cars didn't really get hurt.

I totally knew at 16, and I didn't even have the internet!

Kira was Jason Voorhees' mom!

I read an article back in the day about Wendt and it seems he's a huge indie-rock fan. He was even in that video for Soul Asylum's terrible song, Black Gold I think…

This looks like the long awaited big screen adaptation of "Hammy Hamster"

that one song
I like that one song she did that goes "I'm the one, I'm the one who's got the prance…I wear the pants!"

lasagna pizza
I used to go to a pizza place that put lasagna noodles and sauce on top of pizza. It was really good! They also did a spaghetti pizza.

That's what I noticed on my first trip to Vegas as well. People like Siegfried & Roy, you had heard of, even though they only played Vegas. Danny Gans seemed to be massive in Vegas, but completely unknown outside of it. Big fish in a small pond.

I'm really sad to hear about Danny Gans. I've always been fascinated by him, though never saw one of his shows. I really like the idea that he was huge in Vegas, billboards and posters everywhere, but absolutely unknown outside the city.

I saw it as a kid and loved it. It had machine guns, explosions, gun fights. Way better than the boring old Poseidon Adventure, which didn't have machine gun fights.

Bob and Doug
Up here we get the new Bob & Doug McKenzie animated show, right before the Simpsons. So far it's been surprisingly not awful. Better than Sit Down Shut Up.

Michelle is more of a nottie than a hottie.

I like how they rhymed "cool" with "mule". I think I will enjoy this film.

Bugs Meany was the killer!

Pure poetry!

Does it have any lyrics as totally awesome as "Buy this car to drive to work/drive to work to pay for this car!"

Yes, she's usually just godawful.

What a name! Dorff! Ha ha ha, whadda dorff!!!