
I concur wholeheartedly with the gentleman above.

Sweet liqour eases the pain.

Teresa Roncon is now the spokesperson for the Ontario Gaming and Lottery Commission…at least according to wikipedia

I thought she was cute as a bug in "The Parent Trap" and was shocked at what a hoor she grew up to be.

If you could take Toronto and stick it into Vancouver's geographical location you'd have the best city on earth.

I think the people behind "this hour has 22 minutes" and "the rick mercer report" like to think they are Canada's version of the Daily Show and Colbert.

Vince is the greatest. "no more crying, life is hard enough as it is".

I heard that they got signed with a big time manager who wanted them to try and be more like Whitesnake or Bon Jovi. Then Metallica came along a couple years later and knocked it out of the park. If they hadn't tried changing their sound and image they could have been there first.

Space 1999
The Dragon's Domain episode. They find a derelict spaceship with a tentacle monster that pulls you into it's mouth, then ejects your digested skeleton corpse a few seconds later. Seriously freaked me for years and years. Watched it again recently and thought "ah I can understand why I was so upset by that".

I just listened to some of their stuff on Youtube. Great old school metal! I definitely want to see this now. I was never a metal head back in the day, too much of a nerd, but it was a huge subculture in jr. high in Calgary. The jean jacket with all your favorite bands written on the back in black felt. Classic!

I remember these dudes, but more from t-shirts the headbangers wore than from their music.

Don't forget the coke!

Ha! I look very much like Seth Rogen, people tell me that all the time. It doesn't help!

Get caught by the cops with less than 30 grams and odds are they'll just make you throw it out and give you a stern lecture. No guarantees though.

I hated Moxy Fruvous but I find Jian does a pretty good job as a radio host.

Ha Burl, you make good points. Neil Young? More like "Neil OLD"!!!!

I'll review the new Metric for ya…it's shit!!!

Should have called this "Johnny Deformed"

Bob and Doug
Anybody else see a commerical for an animated Bob and Doug McKenzie showing launching in a few weeks. Sounded like Rick Moranis's voice. Guess Dave Thomas was able to coax him out of retirement.

As a packrat who is constantly asking himself "why did I buy this? Why do I keep hanging onto it" I look forward to future installments of this series.