
I disagree. You should have complained.

That girl in the photo totally looks like Katy Perry!

Even over 50, even dressed up as a shark or a bumblebee, she's still the sexiest woman alive.

"The Wrong Guy" always makes me scratch my head. The production values look like crap, I'd never heard of it before catching it on some cable channel one afternoon and yet it actually is kind of funny. I've never seen it fully, only caught bits and pieces several times.

Nobody would ever call you dumb Burl. You're free to be yourself here!

He's not pompous. He'd odd but gifted…didn't you read the back of the dvd?

To be honest
I sure wish an MPDG would show up and rescue me my from my miserable, boring, soul crushing existence. I guess I'm not broodingly soulful enough.

How would you get business in a job like Suicide Note writer? Can't be through word of mouth from your last clients…

I don't understand. Nathan said he wouldn't link to the clip but then he did? He lied!!!!

That is just so totally Raven to do something like that.

I saw that Simpsons too!

My sister played in a women's poker tournament against Jennifer Tilly. Jennifer's charms didn't help her.

You can't spell Principal, without Pal.

This one time, I bought a bottle of diet coke and left it in the fridge. Then my roommate drank it. God I miss those crazy college days!

I thought Wentz's lame assed bar was in NYC? Does the Chicago location have a big bar that you can slide down? Will Genevieve slide me down the bar if I make a big enough donation to Rock for Kidz?

It really does ruin it all doesn't it? Easily the biggest plot hole in the entire series.

I heard Winehouse exceeded the 10% rastafaration thresehold the label had agreed upon for her new album.

I've seen her in interviews. She is beautiful but does not seem terribly bright. She didn't come across to me as being particularly well put together intellectually.

Well the Giant's Causeway is up in Northern Ireland, and at least a day's drive from Dublin.

I'm not at all in the "Simpsons sucks now" camp but this last episode was terrible, and I loved the few that came before it. The jokes just weren't funny, and that was the problem. The Kathy Ireland joke was straight out of Family Guy and we got a couple of "Critic" style fat jokes. I give the episode an F.