
Problem is I think Bob became successful as the depressed, love lorn sad sack of his youth and was never forced to grow up out of it. He comes across so insecure and bitter in interviews. Still angry over stuff that happened years ago and kind of full of himself. Yup, pompous ass. Reminds me of myself as a kid in

I'm with Furious George. Bob was one of the first gay people I "knew". I don't think knowing that he was gay gave any new insight into the lyrics or a new perspective. It was more that it gave me a more humanizing view of gay people, "they" were just like us. Everything Bob was writing I felt the exact same way. So I

If it's a tired tune he's singing it must be a Beatles song.

No I just enjoy a good, cathartic, hate-on once in a while.

Cheesy and annoying doesn't even begin to describe the horror of "wonderful christmastime"

Much more interesting…what if the Beatles had never formed? Which band would the baby boomers be sucking the dicks of for 40 years?

Anyone who hates the fuck out of "Wonderful Christmastime" obviously has good taste.

I'm so sick of the fucking Beatles. I hope Yoko is successful in stopping this thing in it's tracks. She's my hero for breaking up the Beatles.

Can I just say, fuck the fucking stupid Beatles!!!!! There are other bands in the world for christ's sake.

I admit it
I liked Ishtar. It played at a theater I worked at as a teen and I laughed. Haven't seen it since.

I say good for Scott that he's trying something new instead of another fucking sequel, prequel, reboot, mashup, reimaginationing or whatever euphemism for creative bankruptcy is currently in vogue.

er, what about Mad Max?

Trapeze Swinger almost always gets a tear out of me.

I have a hard time taking Stipe seriously since he was outed as a dear dear friend of Gwyneth Paltrow and a GOOP correspondent (guru?).

I honestly don't understand the Robyn hype. I've tried, seriously, but I just can't find anything even remotely interesting about her. Bad music, bad style, bad lyrics. I would listen to Katy Perry in a second over this junk.

Wooo Hooo! James Joyce!

I never thought it possible that Liz could sink any lower than her song about her favorite panties.

Chuck Norris taught me to never trust a blonde man with a mustache.

Bet he regrets passing up those free Taco Bell coupons now!

Will they sell this at the MAUL? (snicker)