
I have an old Atari 2600 and lots of games, but the jewel of my retro gaming collection is the Vectrex!

"Give it away, give it away, give it away now" is really a pointed observation on our consumer culture and obession with acquisition of material goods.

He was in my town a few weeks back doing a book signing, missed him though. Good book, not great but a good read.

It's true! Mr. Kiedis does not write good lyrics!

I would like to read it if only to just make fun of it, since I hate Anthony Kiedis and his crappy lyrics but I haven't found a cheap used copy yet..

loca vida
That mean's "Crazy life" right? Boy I bet Anthony's had one!!!

I must confess that I don't find Jessica Simpson to be attractive.

I'd just like to add…

Sky Racer is great. And so is Speed Racer. I was positive I'd hate it and had no interest in seeing it, but was surprised to find it a lot of fun.

He certainly is.

What about Sean Nelson? When's the new Harvey Danger album coming out?

Troy Soren
"Be they Christian, be they Jew, be they Ba'hai….uhhhhhhh"

Well he's right
Moore smokes too much hash and prays to lizards. Good writer though.

At my showing of Friday the 13th they played a Watchmen trailer. Then some stupid woman yells out "what is this? Bargain basement Batman?", expecting high fives. Dude next to me got visibly irate and yelled back "Ignorant!!!"

Why can't the dog and his owner stay with you mbs? Some friend you are.

Salt and Pepper Shaker
I have a salt and pepper shaker where one half is the salt, and the other half is the pepper. You flip up one lid or the other depending on what you want. It's pretty cool actually. Why is this movie raggin' on it?

Iron and Wine
I can't go through 346 reasonable discussions to see if this was mentioned already, but screw the mix tape. Learn to play "Naked as we Came" by Iron and Wine on acoustic guitar. It's easy and it makes the ladies melt.

Poor Major Kira.

Buddhists generally seek guidance from Hindu gurus?

yeah sure
Yeah it looks good now, but wait until the actual movie comes out and it's two hours of the gang sitting around the mess hall talking, and about 10 minutes worth of action.