
I am so smart, I am so smart, S-M-R-T, I mean S-M-A-R-T

The Flaming Lips Kylie cover is done completely unironically and it's awesome. Haunting even. So I'm assuming the Madonna one will be done in the same way. Might be great, but not that 'exciting'.

See, this is why Ben Lee is a douchebag. From an article about how he sought his sprititual guru's permission to marry Ione Skye…

The Lips already covered Kylie Minogue, so them covering Madonna is a little 'ho-hum' to me.

ooops that was for the comment above.

Lily is waaaaaay prettier than Jarvis Cocker. You don't know what you're talking about.

Not horrible, but no better than any average bar band's version.

MIA is way fatter than Lily…did you see her at the Grammys?

No no no, the song is "In a Big Country"

Well if Mark Kozelek can do it with AC/DC, Ben Lee can do it better with Against Me.

I heard that Lily is all upset about Katy Perry…that the record label signed Katy looking for an "american Lily Allen"

I think he's a joke. Sure I've always hated him but that was just because of jealousy. All the cool girls loved him…Liz Phair sang on his song, Rebecca Gates played guitar for him, he dated Claire Danes. But then I went and read his blog, where he described himself as a "musician/professional adventurer" and wrote

Maybe he just means he loves shopping.

How about
A game where you fart on ex-president Bush?

Yeah, you can also get cough syrup with codeine in it too. Helps with the sore throats that come from smoking all that pot.

Do you mean that Chris Walken movie, "McBain", or the Reiner Wolfcastle character?

I love candy and I love movies so this looks like a win-win to me.

Mainstream movie nudity is porn for people who don't like porn.

Again, again!

Any book that's inspired Boston cover art has got to be alright. Thanks for the tip Phipps.