
That's the Poochie rule, to the extreme! Even when he's onscreen people in the background are talking about him.

Seagal has his own cliches
Ever notice the endings of Seagal movies are their own cliche? Typically there's always a big fight at the end and the hero is on the ropes, but he comes back and saves the day? That's the typical action movie cliche ending. But with Seagal the villain never, ever has the upper hand on

Credit where credit is due, Seagal actually isn't a bad guitar player.

Hey Burl, which Steven Seagal movie was that where he got put into a coma by some evil politician who's motto was "You can take that to the bank!"

Fantastic Bastard, sign me up for a case! Maybe if I wrap myself up in a Snuggie and eat them by the box it will help ease the crushing pain and disappointment I feel in not measuring up in the eyes of Gwynnie.

Are those the things attached to the wheels of lorries?

Those commericals were a godsend. I had all this gold jewelery I wasn't using just lying around…who knew gold could be worth something?

You got Goop in my Hate!
You got Hate in my Goop!

Sylvan Lake…do they still have that waterslide?

Well I never!!

It was standard for cheap-o tape machines and "Walkingmans" portable stereos to only have a fast forward, no rewind. A rewind function means building an extra gear into the thing.

I remember all the bullies in Elementary school formed a 'bodyguarding' club based on that movie. Good times.

My take is that the global war had already happened in Mad Max, and they were on the fringes of a crumbling society.The fallout hadn't hit them yet maybe? At the end of the film he headed out into the Wasteland, the lawless blasted areas, past some signs saying "danger, do not enter" or something like that.

Damn right pushing a button isn't as exciting looking as pulling a lever.

Seriously though TV dinners are pretty awful.

I remember those cassette singles didn't really have enough tape in them to firmly spool up, and were always getting "eaten" in my tape player.

Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da, life goes on bra
la la la la life goes on

Swiss Army Knife
Y'know I really used to get bothered by the blisterpackin' and the security tape on dvds and cds and such. Then I started carrying around one of those mini swiss army knives on my keychain, with the scissors and the nail file and little knife blade. Problem solved.

Wow, they don't care who's toes they step on!

Caspar returned to the role for the direct to dvd Starship Troopers 3. He was actually the best part of the film, overacted the shit out of it!