
Tom the Dancing Bug
Very late to the party, but Tom the Dancing Bug took a nice shot at these bears in his strip last week…

Growing up in Canada and watching a lot of CBC you'd see this guy all over the place. I was actually disappointed when I found out he was in the new BSG, as I never particularly liked him. Happy to say he's proven me wrong over the past few years.

This is stupid
They don't let dogs into the olympics.

Has anybody mentioned this yet?
I'm too lazy to look through all the comments. Ok, so here I go…

what they should really do
Is make a guitar hero based rpg chronicling the rise of a popular band. Where you take on the roles of the band members. And then the game follows the course of the band, recreating key moments, the first album, the memorable concerts etc. Final level is really hitting the big time by

I really liked Land, except for Leguiziamo. And I just couldn't understand why Dennis Hopper was so concerned about his money at the end. What good would it do in zombieland?

sorry guys, I only have enough pot to last me through the weekend…

Ben Can't Handle the Truth
"Intelligent Design" and creationism are just examples of how humans delude themselves into thinking they have the answer. It's an easy cop-out to what we don't understand.

Shades of "V"
"They called me a dirty rotten scientist's kid…"

Lol, I was always the same half-elf fighter/thief I usually played back in the day.

Baldur's Gate
As an aside, if you're looking to recapture a bit of that old AD&D feeling(without the logistical nightmare of having to gather up five friends and convincing one to be the dungeon master) , the Baldur's Gate games on the PC are the closest thing there is.

Celine Dion
I like Celine. Maybe it's just because I met her once when I was bartending at a post-concert meet and greet she hosted (this was when she was still just singing in french…hadn't crossed over yet) and she was very gracious and friendly to "the help"

Actual time savings, 3 minutes over 15 years.

Maybe not for music, but if "Canadian" is applied as an adjective to describe a movie, then you can be sure that movie sucks.

Cuz they suck!

I am a pretty lady…that is, I wear makeup, heels and pretty dresses…but generally only on weekends or special events.

women are funny!
Just because a man laughs at a joke a pretty girl makes, it does not mean that the joke is funny. Similarly, it's been noticed that men will listen intently to things a pretty girl says and will often respond "that's fascinating"… even if it isn't fascinating at all!

The Church
I've always loved that "Metropolis" song. Thanks for the live version.

I just couldn't figure out why the Army was driving the survivors INTO the Mist.

Randy's doing fine
I've seen Randy's place on Saltspring Island. He doesn't need the money.