
Prententious Wank?
I remember thinking the same thing when I heard about this precious dude who's going to record an album full of banjo music for each of the 50 states. But then I heard the albums and was blown away.

you hate because you love
Yep, count me in as another long time GBV fan who just can't get into Pollard anymore. Don't feel guilty. He needs this kick in the ass. It's tough love. Like you said, he seems to have bought into his own press and has gotten lazy and self indulgent. It's time for him to move ahead. These

should have gotten
Pete should have gotten Ashley a teddy bear wearing a t-shirt that reads "I love you this much"…and the arms of the bear are outstretched to illustrate the point.

my band
my band did a rockin' cover of "ring of fire" the other night at practice. Can I be on this tribute album?

Mark Brezezicki
But he was in the video for "Sancutary". Funny. The only song he didn't play on yet he's in the video.

You think that's bad? I traded Kate Bush "Hounds of Love" for Gary O, "Shades of 45".

health care
You Americans really ought to get some universal health care going before you start crying "sellout".

Jason don't let it get you down!
If it makes you feel any better you're still a better reviewer than anybody at Pitchfork!

and really, if a song being in a commercial is that offputting, maybe you're watching too much tv!

no time for TV
Given Beam's prolific output, his touring, the fact that he's also raising two kids, and that he writes every day (in an earlier interview he claimed that he set aside time every day for writing), I'm not surprised he doesn't have time to watch shit like Grey's Anatomy.

someone who still cares
whoa dude…very lame. Not funny. Very pretentious. If you hate Iron and Wine so much, just ask your manager at the gas station to change the cd on your next shift.

Synder's DOD
Synder's Dawn of the Dead was in no way superior to Romero's. But it was still a good movie.

Saw this as a kid
Saw it at the drive in when I was little. Scared the shit out of me for years afterwards. Never seen it again…all I remember is hiding under my blankey in terror at the giant rabbits.

Just learn these three chords and you're on your way. You can play hundreds of songs with them.

Kathryn's band
Kathryn Calder's band is called "The Immaculate Machine" and they are quite good.

My Childhood
I'm excited. If they make this film it will be like taking my childhood out for a romantic dinner and buying it flowers.

Awwww, and I just saw that she was coming here. Oh well, I can just go downtown and watch scrawny junkies stumble around for free then.

Ben Lee's blog
After reading a bit of his blog, I'd say Powderfinger described Ben Lee perfectly.

oh and about Neko
A girl I know who knows a guy who knows a guy who was in a band that opened for Neko on tour says she's a total slut who sleeps around a lot. Funny thing was she said that like it's some kind of a bad thing…

Pitchfork Reviews
David Cross did a gut bustingly funny parody of pretensious Pitchfork reviews. Don't have a link but I believe they still have it up on their site. Well worth a look.