Nomar Garciaparra

My favorite was the teaser for next week. Um, obviously everyone's going to be okay, it's only the third episode!

Speaking of gender: I hated the implication that the wife, Elizabeth, was brought to Terra Nova not because of her skills, accomplishments, or intelligence, but because the other guy wanted to fuck her. Way to devalue her!

I laughed my ass off tonight. I did a spit take when Britta started eating Chang's "warning."

I disagree about "The Rake's Song." I'm huge hipster-y Decemberists fan. I live in Portland, for god's sake. But I think that was the best song on the album, and if one song was to become a hit, I'm not surprised it's that one. That said, it is pretty strange when put next to "Just Dance" or "Single Ladies."

I adored MST3K, and watched almost it's entire run, starting with the Comedy Channel days. My one beef is that it was too good. It made comedy seem effortless.

As a college professor, I love the depiction of the Ba Sing Se anthropologist.

I've seen a million commercials for this while watching The Office and The Simpsons reruns. It looks shitty and I'm glad to know it is shitty.

It's entirely possible. Abusers don't start out as crazy and violent. (In the flashbacks, even Azulon seems okay.) When they were courting, Ozai could have been very sweet to Ursa. But as time and war went on, the crazy started leaking out. By then, Ursa would be stuck: Married to a prince with one or two children,

I have the weirdest boner right now, thanks to John Goodman.

I think Custody Law and European Diplomacy would rank as my least favorite episode. Chang went beyond being an asshole to being criminally, uh, criminal. The Britta story seems interesting in concept, but it felt like the writers were shitting on her, especially after the lesbian thing in the Valentine's episode.

I adore "300 Big Boys." Some really gorgeous animation at the end. "That's Lobstertainment!" is clearly the worst.

I don't like that ep, either! I totally do not understand the love for Ricky Sargulesh.

I may be the only one, but I love the MST3K Hamlet episode.

There's a new Citation Needed podcast! #7 just dropped. It's terrific. Paul F. Tompkins guests, and he's hilarious (of course).

Like the others, I thank you for your note and agree you did not have to share this information with us. It's been a pleasure reading the recaps and comments — a highlight to my week. Thank you and take care.

I'm dying of laughter. Ty Lee would be So-and-so?

I also really dislike the swamp. The recap did a good job articulating why — it's so all over the place. And the crazy southern Cajun stereotype is one of my least favorites, so I was really annoyed by the Swamp Benders.

I agree with you Pico.

I don't like it because I find the hippies so annoying. Which I know is the point, but still.

But surely Kataang was higher in Cave of Two Lovers? They almost kissed?