Nomar Garciaparra

It felt pretty bad, I won't lie.

Those flower arrangements were pretty sweet.

How Did This Get Made?
I about died laughing at this week's How Did This Get Made? The crazeballs movie, The Smurfs, was great enough, but then to have heavy-hitter Paul F. Tompkins as guest — pure awesome. One of the longer episodes, as well, so the absurdity really got to develop.

@Jamie, I agree. Sasha is my fave, but I think Melanie will win.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, which made it worse. It was just relentlessly mediocre. Not so bad it's good, and not good in any way.

I kinda wish none of them had wound up together, other than maybe Sokka and Suki. Even as a kid, I got annoyed at how everyone had to be paired off.

Koh scares the shit out of me.

I also felt those last few episodes seemed really rushed. I wish they had spent more time at the Northern Water Tribe. It would have been good to deepen Yue a bit. She's not bad, but she suffers compared to all of these other interesting female characters.

Same here, and I also thought Gaga saying "Sing along!" was pretty funny.

I only watched the first ten minutes and shut it off, and hearing about it again made me teary.

I about died when Total Eclipse of the Heart started playing, since I loathe that song. But Melanie won me back as always.

I agree, these write ups have been great!

Indeed. I really wonder what would have happened if he hadn't been paired with Ryan or if they had all gotten to switch partners at some point.

The ladies are pretty easy (ahem). It will come down to Melanie and Sasha, but I keep going back and forth on which.

This finale has lingered in my brain
I was 12 when this aired, and I have thought about it a lot. The last scene was quite haunting. I know I talked about it a little with my mom, but I don't think it was a Big Talk about conservation or anything.

I really liked the nightmare routine.

Oohhh, I see. Cool, thanks!

Question about solos
This is my first season watching. Do the dancers choreograph their own solos or do they get help or…..? I mean it would make sense if they did it themselves. At the same time, I can sing, but not write music, so. I don't know.

I think it's less creepy because you know June can take care of herself.

Nostalgia Chick is where it's at.