Nomar Garciaparra

Loss for words
I've been so excited for the Clyde Bruckman wrap up and now I have nothing to say. It's my favorite episode. I remember watching it when I was 13 or so and it still holds up.

It's on my instant play queue, but I haven't had time to watch, and probably won't have time by tomorrow. Damn.

I remember liking Hosteen just fine.

Don't you worry about The Office. Let me worry about blank.

I, too, prefer Bender in small doses. I have a hard time watching Jurassic Bark not because of the dead dog but because of the way Bender treats Fry. Bender throws the dog into the lava and yells, "Now I'm all you've got!" That's what abusers say to the people abuse. I know this is just a show, and this is a

When I first saw this, I thought it looked kind of funky. But when I tasted it, it was fun-kay.

Kittens give Morbo gas.

You had to bring spines into this!

Xena had a bottle ep called "Back in the Bottle" made to keep costs down. I think it might have had two locations, though. Also, it sucked.

Rereading everyone's recommendations makes me reflect on just how strong of a first season The X-Files had. Indeed, I think I've seen more Season 1 than Season 2 eps. I normally avoid season one eps even of shows I really love, but off the top of my head, it's hard to think of another show with such a compelling

I feel strangely validated that my favorite episodes are the same ones everyone else has mentioned in this thread.

X-Files right meow?

No one who speaks German could be an evil man!


It's funny because adults were nostalgia for shows from their youth — so they tuned to Nick at Nite and got to relive them, with their kids. Now their kids are adults, and we miss that stuff. It makes total sense to rerun Dobie Gillis and Laugh In and all that.

I saw that diaper ad at the mall, and it did say something like, "Kids shit anyway, so it might as well be in something stylish."

I like Gabe more than Erin, so good on this, I say.

Eat up Martha.

Do you ever feel like you're goin' with girls just because you're s'posed ta?

Too much pie, that's your problem fatty!