Nomar Garciaparra

Jean might have said that, but Dan Castelleneta says that too, on a Futurama commentary.

The late 90s was a great time for strong female characters — Scully, Buffy, Xena, one could even argue for characters like Mac on JAG. It seems like there are a lot fewer characters like that around, and it makes me really sad. I thought TV in 2010 would be better…..

The DVDs
Watching the DVDs is also an interesting little evolution in technology. The menus for Season One are very bare bones and dinky, but they get far more elaborate as the seasons go on, with animation and speech.

I'm 27 now, and I remember watching the shorts.

Um, that's from Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar: I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.

I'm 27, and I first watched the shorts on Tracey Ullman, with my parents. I still remember watching this special/episode when it first aired.

"Simpsons isn't as good as it used to be…."

Irresistable was my favorite ep for a long time. I think it might still be my fave; I need to revisit an episode list.

His name isn't actually Rutiger.

I can honestly say that was the best episode of Impy and Chimpy I've ever seen.

Boom, Roasted!

I probably tweeted and woofed it.

Caspar, I think that's a good way of putting it. I watched MST3K from nearly the beginning, so there's a place in my heart for both Mike and Joel. But I think the writing gets crisper as it goes on, so I naturally prefer later eps.

So Brak, is that Polish?…..Oh, I guess not.

Britta disliked it — Shirley immediately answers her with, "I *liked* Avatar."

Rainy day Wilson is the funniest thing I've read all day.

On the other hand, X-Files lasted for a million years, so *shrug.*

There's a short interview in Bust with Will Arnett. He said basically he likes playing douches, they're more interesting. He doesn't see himself as a leading man.

I loved this movie
I rented it and just adored all of it, even the cheesy Hamlet time machine stuff.

I actually commentaries, which is why I prefer DVDs to buying on iTunes or whatever. I especially enjoy commentaries on TV shows — I love The Simpsons, Futurama, and Invader Zim commentaries. I can't get those if I buy on iTunes or just watch them on TV.