Nomar Garciaparra

Yeah, I was thinking, Father Goose is my fave Cary Grant movie! But I think that's only because it was on TV all the time (AMC, too) and my dad always made me watch it.

Mother thought Sinbad was hilarious, so if the opinion of a middle aged white lady counts…..

My partner and I use the cats to shoot another. It just seems to be a natural thing.

"A fat, sarcastic Star Trek fan. You must be a devil with the ladies."

I think Groening looks cute.

Fab! I love love love M.I.A.

Dude, the enter key is your friend.

Saw this on YouTube a few months ago
I loved the intro especially, and I loved the commentary from the puppets. I actually didn't like the cartoony bits with the blues music. I fast forwarded through most of that. But overall, an awesome movie.

Music Videos that copy Movies
I love music videos that pay homage to movies. I think The Decemberists "16 Military Wives" is a terrific video, and it's a take off of Rushmore.

At my undergrad, clubs could rent rooms for an entire semester at a time. I can picture someone like Annie reserving the room for the Super Best Friends Spanish Study Group Club.

bkbroiler, how about Abed rescuing Jeff and Pierce from the fort in the Halloween episode?

I loved Bender's Big Score.

Oh, I see — that makes more sense. For some reason, I was thinking that the dances on the results show were duets, not solos. I don't know why I thought that, a solo makes more sense. I've only seen a few of these shows, and I always miss the beginning.

Question from a new viewer
Do they dance with the same partners each week? And what if one is good and one is bad? How do they decide who stays and who goes?

Thank Pres. Reagan.

It's cause of the timeslot.

But Doc, what about Annie and Shirley?

Eating our family for breakfast.

Or, you know, listen some other time.

I too thought the dorm looked pretty realistic.