
The Steve Perry-replacement lead singer blows anyway. I DJ at a roller rink and whenever I accidentally play one of the new versions of an old Journey song, it sounds like karaoke.

Idk about The Voidz but you guys should really watch The Void if you haven't.

The modern Miami Vice will feature a Crockett and Tubbs who are dressed so "normcore" that nobody believes they're actually cops.

I remember thinking it sucked pretty hard when it came out. My friend and I ended up recording an ironic rap song about it at the time, which in retrospect, is even more lame and 2004 than the movie itself.

So it's a cassette but it looks like a VHS? Why not just keep the cassette looking like a cassette and in addition, release the show on VHS? It's going to sell in any format, guaranteed.

Ride - Vapor Trail
Yo La Tengo - you can have it all
Big Star - Nighttime

Ride - Vapor Trail
Yo La Tengo - you can have it all
Big Star - Nighttime

Maaaan, this is just like the time the 4chan idiots ruined the "Mac Tonight" moon man and turned him into a KKK member. Ruined a perfectly mediocre Halloween costume idea I had.

For more aquatic old school video game ambience, I recommend the opening theme to Ecco The Dolphin.

No mention of The Peanut Butter Solution? That whole movie warped my childhood forever. I blame the Canadians.

And… *drumroll* …I'm poor?

I don't know where all this VHS hate is coming from. Last I checked, those motherfuckers were going for 25 cents each at the nearest Goodwill, roughly 1/120th the price of your fancy newfangled Blu-Ray.

"Availability: …possibly your local video store"

This is like Zaireeka-level-stupid.

Man, fuck Apple. I'm sick of hearing about this bullshit company and how it supposedy controls our lives.

Saw it at a film fest a few months ago. It's fantastic. And the score by Disasterpeace was perfect.

you guys are both Big Dipper-shits

but… but… now who's going to do an impression of an Italian mob boss every single night?

I knew no good could come of closing all the video stores.

Drunk spelling bee? These guys are getting ahead of themselves here. Let's start with a sober spelling bee and see how that works out first.