
After seeing these guys reenact a full episode of Seinfeld to an increasingly restless audience, keeping straight-faced in classic Andy Kaufman fashion, my respect for this band runs deep.

I hope you're ready to choke Falwell's rotting corpse because he's been dead since 2007.

The social commentary is what I dislike about every episode that came after the 4th season. I prefered the show when it existed in its own universe and had simpler plots about things kids that age might experience, like dodgeball and how to use condoms. There were still occasional celebrity cameos and pop culture

The Mollusk by Ween

I remember recording the music video for "Sabotage" on a VHS tape when I was young and playing it over and over again.  It really annoyed my parents after a while.  It's still the best music video I've ever seen.

It's true that Freaks and Geeks was canceled way before its time, but at least each episode is 43 minutes long.  At 18 episodes total, time wise, it's the equivalent of two to three seasons of a regular sitcom.

Harry Shearer is notable for publicly criticizing the declining quality of The Simpsons.  If someone on the cast needs to die, he should be last.