People usually pay top dollar to have Katie beat them with a sock full of quarters—you're lucky she was offering you a freebie.
People usually pay top dollar to have Katie beat them with a sock full of quarters—you're lucky she was offering you a freebie.
I get where DC using Watchmen in its continuity is disrespectful to Moore, although I'd have to point out that the contempt in this part is mutual, and probably felt and expressed more strongly by Moore. Also, despite the weird Watchmen storyline at the middle of it, my impression has been that Rebirth has worked out…
Very few movies have ideas, period. Before the Matrix, the idea of action movies expressing any idea beyond "Bad guys should be punched" was rare to the extreme.
Maybe a muffed infield single, but they didn't lose the shutout…
You thought that was a fart noise you were hearing?
If that bothered you so much, how did you survive the idea that Agents can dodge bullets but are still susceptible to a punch landing?
I'm sure someone else has addressed this, but I'm not going through 840+ comments to check.
Yeah, Apocalypse felt unfinished and not fully thought through. I was surprised at how aggressively they scheduled Apocalypse after DofP, and it looks like the end product suffered from their need to meet a Summer '16 release.
Havok was an on-screen death (he's the one person Quicksilver can't save in the scene where the mansion blows up in Apocalypse). I get them killing off Emma Frost because no one wanted to bring back Betty Draper for that role, and I guess a lot of the other deaths were because at the end of First Class, it looked like…
The tragedy of this is that this proceeding will not end with him involuntarily committed to psychiatric care for the remainder of his natural life. But yeah, this guy practically has "supervised visitation" tattooed on his forehead.
As a former law talking guy, I can tell you that no amount of skill at law talking can save you from a client who can't help his or her self. I once had a spectacular law talking strategy ruined by my client confiding to the judge that he believed his wife could turn herself into a cat.
I'm hoping that this will restore some of the good will Gunn lost from me after crapping all over Nicole Perlman during his victory lap from the first movie. It seemed tremendously petty of him to whine about sharing screenwriting credit at a moment when everyone was hailing him as a genius for the movie's success. I…
I think this is dead on. I think a similar thing is going to play out with the remaining non-Hera characters for the possibility of a non-main character death to raise the stakes for the mid-season finale or maybe the end run toward the finale.
I figure that at least one of Ezra, Kanan, or Sabine has to die, most likely Kanan because of the way his storyline has stalled out since the character was blinded in S2 (some would even say before that). It makes sense that a big death is going to end Rebels, because otherwise the show would just go on. Some of the…
There's some good and occasionally great direction on Rebels, particularly the space battles and action scenes. I just wish that the animation budget was there to pull it off the way Clone Wars did. The series' face work is frequently weak and inconsistent, and you only need to see the various Imperial officers whose…
I wonder if they're setting her up to be the focus of the next animated series. Either that, or this next season of Rebels will finish off the Mandos for once and for all, to clear the ground before the original trilogy.
Why would that matter? He's just voice acting. I'm more disturbed by the idea of Rukh sounding like Davis's titular Leprechaun in the Hood character.
Yeah, I don't know how you don't find a way to get that line into the movie, even if it has to be in a reshot scene in a different context. Guerrera's monologue would've been much harder to introduce in Rogue One as it was released, but there were several places where that "I rebel" line could've been used.
…or of Harrison Ford's history with the franchise. The real Han Solo surprise in TFA was that Ford really embraced the part as if he gave a damn.
I think that the secrecy around TFA was an indication that everyone knew exactly what kind of movie Abrams was making and what the criticisms of that movie would eventually be. Even the fact that they revealed another desert planet in the trailers led to shouts of "not this again!" and reassurances from the…