Rogers Aching Ticker

I suspect that they'll have Matt Lanter voice a flashback/Force vision version of Anakin, not Vader (who'll continue to be James Earl Jones). Admittedly, though, I would love to hear Lanter's Vader, since it always felt like he studied Jones's work in the original trilogy to inform his voice acting as Anakin. Heck, I

But…a dingo ate your baybay!

He looks both too concerned to simply be a guy taking a knee next to his great-assed partner who's lying on her stomach on the sidewalk, and not concerned enough for a guy who's resting the palm of his hand in a pile of broken glass.

Broken glass enemas are the most serious kind of enema.

The Jim Henson people really knocked themselves out making that Ray Liotta muppet. Such an amazing likeness! Wait, why does it look like that muppet is about to reenact Last Tango in Paris with J-Lo…

First of all, real E1 Wells wasn't killed "because of Barry." He was killed because Reverse Flash traveled backward in time to murder a child, and got stuck in the past. Barry didn't ask to have his mother killed, or to have some guy from the future try to murder him, then get stuck in his era.

Which one? They don't have a memory of E1 Wells to disrespect—they never knew the guy.

This week's Iris plot was pretty lame, but even so, at least she's making decisions about herself and the people in her life, as opposed to last season, where she mainly complained about Eddy and waited for someone to rescue her.

The flipside of that is that he's being served a bunch of batting practice fastballs, comedy-wise, and he's not really crushing any of them.

People keep on saying to be patient with Trevor Noah, that he'll grow into the role, but I just don't see how that's going to happen barring him completely scrapping his onscreen persona and going in a radically different direction. Right now he's like a bizarro John Oliver—he's amused by the news, not emotionally

Noah's persona is so aloof, the few episodes I've seen had no weight to them whatsoever. It's hard to argue that the show is essential viewing, when the host doesn't seem to regard any of the stuff he's joking about as being important.

Colbert was much better at those interviews because there was a tiny bit of Borat to his gimmick, and many conservative guests got lost in the 3D Chess game of "Is he agreeing with me because he agrees with me, or is he agreeing with me because he thinks I'm an asshole?" I always marveled at the fact that so many of

PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Sir, we've got test footage of the CGI Hippo Wells for next season!

Under the Cherry Moon, represent!

On a more serious level, I suspect that what we're seeing is a different reality: it would be really hard to launch a column with a genuine obscurity like Air Hostess. You want to have some audience at the start, which meant the first entry was always going to have to be a look at a well-known misfit rather than an

Was the raisin a grape when he saved the kid's life? Or…

The article doesn't argue that intention trumps execution. Typically, intent is irrelevant as you say, but what makes The Happening a "misfit" is that it's a movie where the critical (and audience) reaction put the author's intention front and center. In reviews, Shyamalan was widely accused of making a piece of

I think we're looking at an editor fail, a missing phrase where "that" is in the sentence. It was probably supposed to read "The Happening is a genuine curio, not entirely successful…"

Followed by "Where's Wallace at?"

Retiring old voters doesn't fix anything by itself, but it does increase the impact and immediacy of any efforts made to diversify the voting population going forward. If you stepped up efforts to recruit women and members of color, but left lifetime voting rights in place, it would take generations for the new