Greenwald writes for Grantland and is one of the hosts of the 'Hollywood Prospectus' podcast.
Greenwald writes for Grantland and is one of the hosts of the 'Hollywood Prospectus' podcast.
As someone who is slightly more skeptical of TD than most of the
commenters here (and, to be honest, in my eyes, I didn't think this episode pulled off what it wanted to do all that well here), I have to say that I do agree with some of Greenwald's points, but he seems too focused on the aspects of the show that he…
Yes, I'm waiting a few episodes before passing a judgment on that level.
Hot Cops!
Warm Water!
I'm rarely in such a small minority re. episode grades, but this just didn't work that well for me. Peralta and the others were just too exasperating for me in this episode. There was still a lot of funny stuff and the ending was nice, but this was definitely one of the weaker ones for me.
It is getting better (apparently), but yeah, there are very few cities out there with a public transport system capable of handling the sprawl.
One thing that's always come to mind when thinking of Mark on P&R is how a 'straight man' character is there to bounce off the more weirder characters. Pair two 'straight man' characters together (i.e. Ann and Mark) and there's no comedic spark. Had they paired up Mark with Leslie or done something different with the…
Vasquez has always been an interesting character, mainly because I'm interested in the whole police-prosecutor relationship he plays a part in, but also because his presence alongside Art and Raylan has worked consistently well for so long.
If you've had the pleasure of visiting an Adelaide suburb named Elizabeth, the people dress, style their hair and act as though they're in some kind of Alabama trailer park. There are plenty of 'bogan' (redneck) types here, you just have to go to the right (or wrong) place to find them.
Married, but sorta separated female lawyer, fightin' for her clients, wearing sexy leggy-pantsuits/skirts and being self-reliant.
For all those who, like me, had difficulty getting the video on the link above (damn websites who can't handle certain platforms), its on YouTube:…
Was just about to say - they looked super-adorable together at the party.
Nooo! Winston must stay!
The way Jackie called Pete's Kindle "an Electronic Book" is still cracking me up.
Definitely an A, one of the best episodes TGW has ever made.
"Orange Is The New Good Wife"?
B+ - it's not quite there yet for me.