
I give you, Scott Savol.

That's not what Nigel meant though. He's saying that they always separate the group rehearsal episode from the performance episode. I'm with Claire though, I don't remember splitting it up over two weeks like this though.

Also Claire… Faith Evans and Faith Hill are very different artists.


All 3 of these dismissals are great for the show and all of them needed to happen. Steve Jones was horrible as a host. He at least tried to do his job though. Paula and Nicole failed at the one thing they were there to do, judge. They both had at least one incident where they refused to vote because it was 'too

Not ashamed in the least to say I own #8 and #9.

Finally saw this episode tonight and I loved it.

People still plank? That's still a thing?

Nothing at all about the brother that undercut his sister's audition and then wiped the floor with her?

Well… with Cas, the car and Bobby, there's the 3 strikes.

I hate those younger borthers.

Yup. Not going to miss her at all.

I disagree. Astro wasn't the worst by any means but he totally butchered the flow on Lose Yourself.

He's a little d-bag for one thing.

You're not the only one. I can't stand her and think she was totally outclassed by the two other older female singers she beat out to get this far.

Odd. We didn't get Melanie's song. It was preempted by local commercials for some reason. They did her intro, cut to commercials, cut to Melanie on stage listening to comments.

Since Reid produced Pink, I suppose there could be a double meaning in there. I totally never caught on to that til I read this thread.

Random thoughts…

Oddly enough, the only one without sunglasses on.
